Loreto Bay One Stop Shop: Web Sites, Blogs and Information

It’s hard for us not to be excited about what is happening in Loreto these days. It seems whenever I decide to write a blog entry – which occurs less these days because of a hectic work schedule – Loreto is increasingly a favorite topic. Time flys and 18 months have passed since Loni and I decided to take the plunge. Being in the early stages of a project that will take over 10 years to fully reach its vision is special.

There is much to love about Loreto: the quaint village, the stunning scenery, the untouched Baja mountain ranges, the weather, the marine life, the tranquility and peace… but above all we’re impressed most by the people. We’ve made quick friends with people from Loreto, LBC in Arizona & BC, and also all the new homeowner’s local to the Bay Area here in San Jose/San Francisco.

Given the increasing amount of information out on the web about Loreto I thought it would be helpful to pull together a list of places we enjoy reading, getting latest news & reports. So here it is… if you have more to suggest, please leave a comment and share!

By the way, on our next visit to Loreto we’re thinking about ramping up some video and audio segments (podcasts) for this site. I’m still learning on the technology side. And Loni will probably be our roving reporter there – she’s camera ready, ha! So stay tuned and hopefully you’ll start to see more “feet on the street” reporting from Loreto on this blog.

Thanks, see you soon in Loreto,



1. Loreto Bay Corporate Site – it has really grown over the years… it’s where we started our discovery of the beautiful Loreto area.

2. Loreto Bay Homeowner’s Site “Zócalo(access for existing homeowner’s only) – meet your new neighbors, learn about what’s new, share stories and updates on construction.

3. Flickr Loreto Bay Photos – want to see some beautiful photos? Head over to flickr for regular updates.

4. Where in the World is Nellie? – one of the Loreto pioneers and entrepreneurs. Owner of BajaBoss and Nellie’s place (great food, drinks, and view!).

5. Our Home at Loreto Bay – photos and updates from owner’s in Founder’s Neighborhood.

6. Loreto Bay: Casa de Turtle – Nueva Chica home owners lot 529.

7. US $ to Peso Converter – bookmark this link for 1-click currency updates.

8. Casa Mesquite – furniture provider for Loreto Bay.

9. Loreto Bay Foundation – 1% of all LBC home sales go to this foundation to support local community and government.

Loni Stark in Loreto Bay, Baja, Mexico 10. Inn at Loreto Bay – nice play to stay while visiting. Right on Sea of Cortes beach front.

11. Google News “Loreto Bay” – want the latest news? Just bookmark this Google news search. Also you can set-up an alert to have news sent to your email inbox automatically.

12. Loreto Bay Bay Area Home Owner’s Yahoo Group – this is for existing home owner’s living in the San Francisco/San Jose Bay Area. It’s a growing group!

13. Others?  … let us know in comments or email, thanks.

Clinton Stark
Clinton shoots videos for Stark Insider. San Francisco Bay Area arts, Ingmar Bergman and French New Wave, and chasing the perfect home espresso shot 25 seconds at a time (and failing). Peloton: ClintTheMint. Camera: Video Gear