2007 Kim Crawford Sauvignon BlancWith cooler months ahead, red wines will continue to be the focus of my reviews. So I figured it was time to write about a white since I don’t normally drink them as much during the winter (although a Riesling will be a necessary match for Loni’s famously spicy curry chicken).

This 2007 Sauvignon Blanc (pronounce “blaunk” if in US, or “blaun” for proper French in Canada and rest of world – without the hard “k” at end… why does US insist on non-proper pronunciation for such an important historical varietal?) from Kim Crawford is no doubt a very good wine, available readily in both the US and Canada, but a tough one for me to review.
Generally, I don’t like Sauvignon Blancs. I prefer Chardonnays. The reason? I often find the taste of a Sauvignon Blanc wine much like drinking a glass of water with flower pedals stirred in. It’s just too flowery. Others, I realize, like this and enjoy the flower tones and herb scents. Maybe I sound, as Loni sometimes says, “provincial”. But that’s just my personal taste.

So how to review this wine? Well again I’m reminded the benefit of group tastings. We typically have at least 4 people tasting for any of the wine reviews, which provides for plenty of opinions, diverse preferences when it comes to wine varietals, price points, and regions, and a good forum to discuss all aspects of the wine in question.
Fortunately for me, this wine is less about flowers and herb notes (although they are there) and more about tropical fruit scents and gooseberry. I can enjoy it, but truth be told, would be happier with a straight, no-nonsense Riesling.
From Marlborough, New Zealand’s #1 wine producing region, the Kim Crawford label is having considerable success abroad. Wine Spectator gave this one 91 points, calling it a “smart buy”.
A summary of our tasting notes:
  • “herbaceous”
  • “wonderful hints of gooseberry”
  • “a typical New Zealand, refreshing Sauvignon Blanc. Very enjoyable.”
  • “perfect on its own, I see this less about food pairing than just pure, easy, quality drinkability”


2007 Kim Crawford Sauvignon Blanc
Kim Crawford Wines, Auckland, New Zealand
Sauvignon Blanc, Alc. 13.0%
$11.99 (Cost Plus World Market)

Clint says: Less flower, and more tropical fruit. Refreshing, and an excellent bargain for Sauvignon Blanc fans.

Rating: 87 out of 100

Clinton Stark
Clinton shoots videos for Stark Insider. San Francisco Bay Area arts, Ingmar Bergman and French New Wave, and chasing the perfect home espresso shot 25 seconds at a time (and failing). Peloton: ClintTheMint. Camera: Video Gear