I’ve just starting reading “The Secret Life of Bees” so its seems almost serendipitous that just recently I’ve discovered that bee’s oil is the perfect ointment for dry and tired wood cutting boards and spoons.
After years of loyal service as essential tools in holiday and everyday meal preparation, I finally took note that my wooden equipment could use some tender loving care. This was when I turned to a mysterious tin container of Tree Spirit Bee’s Oil that was left as a gift by H.S. last time she was in town visiting.
I opened the jar and noted that it looked very much like hand salve I have used in the past – a thick paste. I took a little swipe of it and started to spread it over my spoons and cutting board. After they were completely covered in a very thin film, I let the bee’s oil soak in for half an hour and then used a cloth to buff it off.
The results were not only beautiful, the smell was heavenly…a wonderful delicate scent of honey. After I finished with my wood utensils, I wanted to slather the paste on other natural wood surfaces I had around the house and even thought it would be lovely as a hand moisturizer.
Where to purchase?
I was fortunate to have gotten this as a gift from H.S. So I had to check online to see where I would purchase it should I run out in the future.
One of the best places online I have been able to find it is at Spoons ‘n Spice for $6.99 plus shipping of $5.50.
Another place it is available online is Lamson & Goodnow for $8.50 plus shipping of $7.50 (when I calculated it shipping to CA from MA). Shipping is only $2.99 if you order totals $50 or more.