Photo from my "Doors of Portugal" Series
Photo from my "Doors of Portugal" Series
Photo from my "Doors of Portugal" Series

A while back, we announced the availability of the Loreto Live Blog allowing those that had an inspiration about Loreto Baja to send an email to “” with photos and commentary about anything Loreto-related.

These emails were posted to the Loreto Live Blog to be shared with all StarkSilverCreek readers. We even sweetened the proposition by announcing a contest for the best post.

The contest closed December 31, the judges (yours truly) have considered all entries and the winner has been selected.

(Play drum roll music)

I have selected two winners:

Deborah Scanlon for her entry “Tabor Canyon-Ideal Hike Conditions Now” which I am sure inspired many of us to put on our hiking shoes and explore.

Conrad Brettschneider
for his entry “One needs light to cook!” which got an active dialog going in the comments section.

Photo from my "Doors of Portugal" series.
Photo from my "Doors of Portugal" series.

So what are their prizes?

Well, I thought it would be interesting if we played a game.  Deborah and Conrad, I present to you two doors. You each need to make a selection…

  • Blue Door “The Sure Thing” : A beautiful, wonderful 2009 Loreto Calendar.
  • Red Door, “The Mystery” : In one month time, you will find and get what’s behind this door.

You can talk amongst yourselves, solicit other SSC readers, friends and relatives or make it choice in solitude. Email me your answer or better yet, post a comment with your decision.

P.S. The Loreto Live Blog is a success and will continue. Clint will have more details. The twitter experiment failed to catch on and we are in our lab room thinking of either modifying it or scrapping it completely.

Loni Stark
Loni Stark is an artist at Atelier Stark, self-professed foodie, and adventure travel seeker who has a lifelong passion for technology’s impact on business and creativity. She collaborates with Clinton Stark on video projects for Atelier Stark Films. It’s been said her laugh can be heard from San Jose all the way up to the Golden Gate Bridge. She makes no claims to super powers, although sushi is definitely her Kryptonite.