(This is a guest post emailed to blog@starkinsider.com. To read how you can too, check out the StarkSilverCreek contest guidelines here.)

I thought your readers might enjoy a few images of the boat ride aboard the “El Don”, a 65 ft Hatteras cruiser chartered by the JW Marriott Residences Loreto team on Saturday Feb 8. The El Don is in need of a little love “but” hey, it floats so it’s a good boat in my books! :)

Our adventure started off on a beautiful, sunny and calm morning from Puerto Escondido as a  “3 hour tour”. You decide who should be Gilligan and the Skipper!

About half an hour into our trip we spotted a pod of 200+ dolphins, mostly spinners that escorted us to Isla Carmen. They were great fun to watch and love to put on a show! My 11 year old daughter Jenna exclaimed “This is the most exciting day of my life!” and to be honest I’m not sure who sounded more giddy as we watched the dolphins darting from side to side riding the bow wake of the El Don.

A few minutes later the race to Isla Carmen was on.  Eat your heart out Michael Phelps!

About half an hour later we headed south to Islas Monsarrat and Catalina in search of whales. We spotted six blue whales however they were too far away for photos using my basic digital camera so we turned north toward Isla Danzante and we were lucky enough to find another pod of Dolphins.  By fluke I snapped the image at the right time and caught a baby jumping with mama. A few minutes later we witnessed a  great display of Synchronized swimming!

Toward the end of our trip we cruised by Danzante Arch on the east side of the island.  Jenna shouted “Look dad a drive thru!”.    On the west side we passed the mushroom rock, a boulder shaped by wind and water erosion. Just look at the gorgeous color of the water!

I will get the info for you on how to book the El Don in the next few days. In the meantime please feel free to post this story along with my images and contact information below.

Bob Pendock








Monica Turner
Contributor to Stark Insider for tech, the arts and All Things West Coast for over 10 years.