(02/08/2009 Update: Here is the actual scanned in USA Today Loreto Article courtesy of Mark Codiroli.)

mexico-topperThe press strategy kicked off by Jim Spano of Spano Partners, and Chairman of the newly created Loreto Visitors Bureau, is already in motion with a short article just published by USA Today.

As we discussed with Jim in a recent ‘Loreto Live’ podcast (‘Loreto Live’ podcast #6: An in-depth interview with Jim Spano, Chairman of the new Loreto Visitors Bureau), several initiatives were launched with the goal of increased press coverage and awareness of the Loreto Baja region.

According to Larry Olmsted who wrote the USA Today article (‘Second homes: In Mexico, sleepy-resort feel with laid-back prices’):

“the newest hotbed of residential development south of the border is a few hours north of Cabo, stretching from La Paz to Loreto.”

usatoday-logoFamiliar names to those who follow StarkSilverCreek and the Loreto area such as Mark Codiroli (of JW Marriott) and Jim Spano are quoted in the article.

Expect more articles and coverage across North American media outlets; additional press junkets to Loreto are scheduled which feature other travel writers.


[Source: USA Today ‘Second homes: In Mexico, sleepy-resort feel with laid-back prices’]

Clinton Stark
Clinton shoots videos for Stark Insider. San Francisco Bay Area arts, Ingmar Bergman and French New Wave, and chasing the perfect home espresso shot 25 seconds at a time (and failing). Peloton: ClintTheMint. Camera: Video Gear