2007 Ehlers Estate Sauvignon Blanc, Napa Valley

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VERDICT: "Smashing stuff"
Napa Valley
Sauvignon Blanc, 13.8% alc.
www.ehlersestate.com Review by Clinton Stark

If you’ve read my past reviews or wine articles, you’ll probably know I loathe the proverbial glass of herbaceous, flower water. That would be most Sauvignon Blancs. Just my humble opinion. But for me, there is just too much flower, especially in low end product. The Chardonnay equivalent would be an overly butter slog. 

This Ehlers Estate is thankfully not in the aforementioned category. Instead, it plays off stone-based flavors such as citrus and honeysuckle, which suits this taster just fine. Hang on a sec, Loni just gave me a funny look… am I really writing this? Maybe I’ve been Sauvignon Blanc’d.

That aside, a pleasant surprise: a hint of vanilla. It gave me a slight California Cab sensation as I enjoyed a glass on a cool breezy evening, looking out over the San Jose foothills (while Loni managed to smoke up the kitchen thanks to an oven that needed a cleaning).

Sometimes it’s easy to forget, what with all the world-class Cabs coming out of Napa and Sonoma, that some equally fine whites top the charts every year as well. In my books this is one of them. I enjoyed every glass over several days. Limited production. Highly recommended!

Clinton Stark
Clinton shoots videos for Stark Insider. San Francisco Bay Area arts, Ingmar Bergman and French New Wave, and chasing the perfect home espresso shot 25 seconds at a time (and failing). Peloton: ClintTheMint. Camera: Video Gear