It’s been a late night, plenty of wine and much discussion between Clint and I as we narrowed down the photo submissions to the final 14 for the 2010 Loreto Calendar which will benefit the children of the Internado School in Loreto. Fourteen photos because we have twelve months, the front cover and also a bonus preview section of the 2011 year.
Here’s a sneak peak into what the calendar looks like. Don’t forget to pre-order yours!

For each month, there is a beautiful photo of Loreto, BCS selected from an incredible number of photos that were submitted to the 2010 Loreto Calendar. Below the photo is a quote by the photographer of the photo. For example, for January, Annie Omens writes:
“I am always amazed at the beautiful colors at sunset and sunrise in Loreto Beach. I tried to capture their richness in this photo.”
Here is the gallery of the 14 finalists for the 2010 Loreto Calendar whose net proceeds will benefit the children of the Internado School in Loreto, BCS. Drum roll please!
It was unfortunate we only had room for 14. We had to make some hard decisions and some photos could not be included because there wasn’t a high-resolution version of them (3MB or larger/3,300 pixels wide in order to print 8 1/2 x 11 calendar).
However, we took one of Chris Sessions great suggestions and for all calendars that are pre-ordered by October 16 (end of today), you will be guaranteed (to the best of the little elves’ abilities) to get a calendar which on the back cover, includes a gallery of 10 other photos that made it to the top 24 finalists and 2 bonus wild card picks.

Why do you ask this is only made available for pre-orders?
It’s because in order for us to provide this calendar design, we needed to go with a calendar printing vendor who gives favorable pricing for large quantities. Currently, with about 58 calendar pre-orders, I am thinking of ordering 100 calendars. Any fewer quantities and the costs skyrocket (eg. $15-28) leaving very little (or a loss) to benefit this year’s charity or forcing us to have to raise the prices of the calendar. Neither option is favorable.
Therefore, if this “limited” edition get’s sold-out, then all subsequent calendar orders will be fulfilled through another vendor which allows for more on-demand printing of smaller quantities, but does not have such flexibility in the calendar templates for a back cover photo gallery.
I plan to send this version of the calendar to the printers this Saturday. So if a bunch more people order the calendar before the, I could make sure I ordered enough to fulfill the demand in the first batch.
Okay, time for the elves to go to bed!