It was only around noon yesterday that my flight from Melbourne, Australia touched down at LAX and dropped me into the center of the Thanksgiving airport shuffle.
The trip across four cities enabled me to share some of the innovative solutions that government agencies around the world have accomplished by thinking about challenges from the citizen’s perspective. Australia, amongst other things, opened up its doors and invited me to explore its vast biodiversity of rain forests and arid terrain. With charming Australian accent, it did warn me of the many venomous creatures out in the wild including the deadly brown snake and heartless spiders. I also understood what it truly meant to have ants in your pants after accidentally stepping into an ant nest while looking up for koalas.
I also went to an Australian-style Willy Wonka Chocolate Factory complete with life-size statue of David all made from chocolate and artwork created by delicious pieces of truffle.
Our search for penguins led us to the beautiful Phillip Island.
Finally, there was even time to hug a koala, real and toy ones large and small. This, dear reader, is only a preview of my adventures ‘Down Under’.