Dose of reality naive staff of starkinsider.
You know, life sometimes is tough south of the border I’m guessing.
Here’s why: your 3 year-olds like to eat small plastic parts found in chocolate eggs when parents aren’t watching. Our 3 year olds don’t like to eat small plastic parts found in chocolate eggs when parents aren’t watching.
Exhibit A: Kinder Surprise Eggs.
Health Canada says “okay, that makes sense. No three year old will open that egg, and then eat the piece parts, and choke. The parents will be responsible.”
South of the border they say, “watch out! Don’t eat those plastic parts. You can not sell those eggs! A 3-year old might choke on it, even though it’s not designed for a 3-year old, and the labels indicate as much.”
What next: ban Lego? Might as well ban Cheerios too. And small FM transistor radios the size of your fingernail? Forget it. A 3-year old might choke on it.