Hooray for Hollywood? David Mamet’s interestingly named Speed-the-Plow opens this Friday at the Pear Avenue Theatre in Mountain View.
It marks a busy theater calendar for January. I’ve spent several evenings working on logistics, trying to figure out how we can attend all the great shows that are lighting up 2010 already—thank you Google Apps, Moto Droid. More to come on that in a preview post, but for now we have this tantalizing three actor play from David Mamet, the Pulitzer prize-winning author who brought us steak knives in Glengarry Glen Ross.
But why, pray tell, did he direct a Ford television commercial in 2007?
Famous for his so-called “Mamet speak” his dialog is known to be street smart, edgy, and, at times vulgar. This is probably not a chick flick.

With only three actors, it promises to be a stripped down production. One of the actors Jake Vincent we last saw (and interviewed post-show along with Jesus, see On location: Opening night gala at City Lights Theater) at the Last Days of Judas Iscariot at City Lights downtown San Jose. His character, had, let’s say, balls, man. And Jake played him with a strong Brooklyn accent (I think that’s what it was).
Funny enough, after the opening night, mingling, he seemed nothing at all like his own stage gruff and grumble persona—to our relief. The production also stars Sarah Griner and Paul Loomis.
Will we learn if art and commerce are always opposed?
Speed-the-Plow opens January 8 and runs through January 24, with 8:00 p.m. performances on Thursdays, Fridays, and Saturdays, and 2:00 p.m. performances on Sundays and on Saturday, January 23. Performances include a Gala Reception after the opening night and a discussion with cast and director after the first Sunday matinee. There is a “pay-what-you-can” Preview on January 7.
Ticket prices: Thursdays and matinees, $20 general / $15 students, seniors, and TBA members; Fridays and Saturdays, $25 / $20; opening night gala, $30 / $25.
More information: The Pear Avenue Theatre.