Since I wrote my review of Amargosa: The Story of Marta Becket and how the movie inspired me to get into oil painting, I have received several emails and comments from others whom Marta’s life has touched.
One of these individuals is Sandy Scheller who wrote in a couple of weeks ago to announce that she was going to perform at the Opera House on its 43rd anniversary since the very first performance. Marta had not been able to perform at the Opera House herself since October 26 of last year when she suffered a major fall and broke her hip.
What I want to share with you is Sandy’s account of her performance entitled, If These Walls Could Talk.
[Editor’s note: Some edits were made to the text of the email report Sandy sent in to make it more aligned with the style of writing in blog posts rather than in emails.]
I got ready to perform IF THESE WALLS COULD TALK.
The most pleasant news came to my ears, it turned out Ms. Marta Becket would be doing the show with me. I thought I was on cloud 9 because since October 26 (the major fall) both Marta and I were wondering if this day truly would come true.
Couple of facts:
– This weekend marked the 43rd anniversary of her very first performance in the Opera House.
– She was dressed and seated as elegant as a queen upon her new throne that was bought by Director of Operations, Rich Regnell and Mary Lee Chavez.
– Marta did her own makeup and performed a complete sit down show, not just a few minutes.
– She got a standing ovation before the show and after the show as well.
– We need to order more books because they have sold out
– We need more posters, they are almost sold out as well.
– The one day I forgot my camera and only had my iPhoneNow come the questions:
Q: Are the phones working out there yet?
A: No. Thank you At &T!!!! The phones are fine it’s the transformers that need to dry out but you can email info “at” amargosa-opera-house.com or check out facebook: Amargosa Opera House we will keep you up to date. [Editor’s note: On February 15, I got another email which noted the phones were working again.]
Keep trying the phone lines, we do believe in miracles, if Marta can do a show, the phone lines can dry out one day!!!!!!!Q: Will she do it again?
A: I think yes, but can’t say when.Q: Are we having fun?
A: Absolutely!Q: How is the weather?
A: Perfect sunny, beautiful wonderful days and sweater nights at least this week.Q: What’s stopping you from coming out????
A: Hopefully nothing.Q: Never been to the Opera House?
A: Now is a good time.Q: Haven’t been to the Opera House in a long time?
A: Shame on you, we miss you.By the way, I went to Delights Hot-springs in Tecopa. OHHHHH MYYY talk about heaven. The water is perfect, the weather is perfect, the place is perfect.
The walls really are talking along with Marta and myself hoping you will experience Amargosa Opera House for yourself.