Today, Berkeley Rep announced their 2010-11 season. The slate of eight new shows includes one written by Artistic Director Tony Taccone, two “audacious” monologues including one about Steve Jobs, and a new look at Lemony Snicket’s The Composer is Dead.

“We have worked hard to make Berkeley Rep a home for innovation and visionary new voices,” comments Tony Taccone. “While I’m proud that several of our recent shows have been so successful, our focus is always on looking forward and discovering new risks and challenges. So I’m pleased to announce another season of new work at Berkeley Rep.”

Starting in September, the season features three world premieres: Rinne Groff’s compelling Compulsion, a delightful new look at Lemony Snicket’s The Composer is Dead, and a tantalizing show written by Artistic Director Tony Taccone that stars legendary actress Rita Moreno. Two West Coast premieres take the stage as well: celebrated collaborators Sarah Ruhl and Les Waters reunite for a refreshing new translation of Anton Chekhov’s The Three Sisters while Berkeley Rep welcomes The Great Game: Afghanistan, an unprecedented cycle of 12 short scripts that caused a sensation in London. The upcoming season also introduces local audiences to Lynn Nottage’s Pulitzer Prize-winning play Ruined and two audacious new monologues from Mike Daisey: The Last Cargo Cult and The Agony and the Ecstasy of Steve Jobs.

In an open letter to fans on the Berkeley Rep Web site, Taconne wrote, “The coming season is one that I believe will entertain and enrich you in the best possible ways. We have some returning favorites like Rita Moreno in a new autobiographical play, the team of director Les Waters and playwright Sarah Ruhl collaborating on a new Chekhov translation and monologist Mike Daisey.”


Main Season Play #1 – Thrust Stage
World-premiere production
Written by Rinne Groff
Directed by Oskar Eustis
September 10 – October 24, 2010
Opening night: September 15, 2010

The Great Game: Afghanistan
Limited Season Play #1 – Roda Theatre
West Coast premiere
Written by Richard Bean, Lee Blessing,
David Edgar, David Greig, Amit Gupta,
Ron Hutchinson, Stephen Jeffreys,
Abi Morgan, Ben Ockrent, Simon Stephens,
Colin Teevan, Naomi Wallace, and
Joy Wilkinson
Directed by Nicolas Kent and
Indhu Rubasingham
October 22 – November 7, 2010
Opening marathon: October 22, 2010

Lemony Snicket’s
The Composer is Dead

Main Season Play #2 – Roda Theatre
World premiere
Written by Lemony Snicket
Music by Nathaniel Stookey
Directed by Tony Taccone
November 26, 2010 – January 9, 2011
Opening night: December 1, 2010

The Agony and the Thrust Stage Ecstasy of Steve Jobs
in repertory with
The Last Cargo Cult
Main Season Play #3 – Thrust Stage
Created and performed by Mike Daisey
Directed by Jean-Michele Gregory
January 14 – February 27, 2011
Opening night: January 19, 2011
Second opening: TBD

Main Season Play #4 – Roda Theatre
Written by Lynn Nottage
Directed by Liesl Tommy
February 25 – April 10, 2011
Opening night: March 1, 2011

The Three Sisters
Main Season Play #5 – Thrust Stage
West Coast premiere
Written by Anton Chekhov
English translation by Sarah Ruhl
Directed by Les Waters
April 8 – May 22, 2011
Opening night: April 13, 2011

A new show for Rita Moreno
Limited Season Play #2 – Roda Theatre
World premiere
Written by Tony Taccone
Directed by David Galligan
May 13 – June 12, 2011
Opening night: May 18, 2011

Monica Turner
Contributor to Stark Insider for tech, the arts and All Things West Coast for over 10 years.