What’s it like watching your own film with an audience during a world premiere at the Cinequest film festival here in San Jose?
Director Rory Bain says, “It’s such a weird experience because you’re in a way presenting and at the same time you’re an audience member… very, very unusual.”
His short, The Whirling Dervish, is a slick 28 minute film that finds a Muslim teenager on a spiritual quest who must fight temptation when he accidentally runs into a sexy, blonde neighbor (who happens to love Yoga, but not blinds).
There are stories behind the stories on this one. A “crack on the head” received falling down a manhole on the streets of New York was a wakeup call for Rory who decided then-and-there to pursue his passion for filmmaking.
The music in the film features well-known electronica artist Moby. It also includes Rory’s wife, Jenufa Gleich, an opera singer. The contrasting musical styles and sound complement the storyline of the Muslim world intersecting with that of contemporary Western culture.
“I got kind of tired of seeing Muslim characters on TV blowing themselves up. So I thought, it’s time to a tell a different story. This gets old.” he said when Loni asks about inspiration for the film.
Indeed, The Whirling Dervish is thoughtful, intelligently made. Although it’s a short film, the story unfolds with patience; characters such as the Sheikh are given ample time to evolve and demonstrate depth in their limited, but powerful time on screen.
Watch the video to learn about his plans for the short, and where he and the film are headed next.