The easy part is getting to the show. The hard part is dealing with a “broken” mic. Or is it simply not turned on? Find out in this special On Location episode as Clint and Loni from SSC head up to Berkeley for the sweet new musical Girlfriend with music by 1990s power pop-meister, Matthew Sweet. Pay close attention as you may see and number of cameos, announced or otherwise.
In the review (4.5 out of 5 stars), Clint says, “When the lights dimmed, and the guitar licks faded for the last time, the crowd was extremely enthusiastic, even rambunctious, with a rousing standing ovation throughout the house. Perhaps the biggest I’ve seen since, well, American Idiot. You just can’t but smile when walking out of Girlfriend. It’s an inspired, fun evening of musical theater.”
Loni said she liked it more than American Idiot.

I’m not so sure about that myself, but to each their own. Based on other reviews it seems like Girlfriend is a very good, fun show, with the highlight being the rockin’ (and poppin’) music by Matthew Sweet.
For the technically inclined, this was shot on location at Berkeley Rep Theatre (of course!) with a Canon T2i using a Rode Videomic. However, just because you have all the equipment doesn’t necessarily mean everything will turn out right. Chalk one up to art school experimentation. We had fun salvaging this one – well, I think anyways. On with the show… this is it!