With some coaxing from Chris Session on Club Loreto Bay, Al Graichen relented and submitted a whale tail to our community’s 2011 Loreto Calendar photo contest. This is a spectacular action shot of one of the largest mammals in the Sea of Cortez which borders the east side of the town of Loreto.
It is photos such as these one which reminds us of the vibrant, but fragile ecosystem of the Sea of Cortez and the need to continue to protect it so that future generations can explore and enjoy its wonders. This is the reason why this year’s chosen non-profit is Eco-Alianza de Loreto.
Eco-Alianza is a nonprofit membership organization of environmental organizations and individuals committed to working collaboratively to protect and preserve the coastal, marine and terrestrial eco-systems of the Municipality of Loreto while promoting smart growth strategies and viable communities in the region.
As the selected non-profit, all net proceeds from this year’s community effort will benefit the work this organization does.
To get a jump start ordering your calendar, you can access the order form here. Last year we were able to raise almost twice as much as the year before. I am hoping with this entire community spreading the word, we will set a new record on 2011 Loreto Calendar sales.
The photo contest is fast approaching. You still have a chance to email me photos. Send them to loni@starkinsider.com before August 31, 2010 for your chance at immortality!