Yesterday, we dropped by Eco Alianza in downtown Loreto to visit Edna Peralta who is the program administrators of the children’s environmental education programs in Loreto. For more information on Eco Alianza, you can visit their website.
This is the program that the net proceeds from the 2011 Loreto Calendar will help to support. Today is your last day to order your 2011 Loreto Calendar. Definitely get one or several as gifts and support a great non-profit.

We have sold 126 calendars to date! Get yours and make sure you don’t have calendar envy next year. After today, the quantities I will have printed will be set in stone and sent to the printers. I need to order the printing of these calendars in volumes to ensure we are able to purchase them as a community at a reasonable price and also be able to donate a significant portion of each sale to Eco Alianza. So far, over the past two years, we have raised over $5,000 for non-profits in Loreto. Let’s keep this traditional alive!

My visit to Edna was wonderful timing since next week is Conservation Week in Loreto and they will have many educational activities that will be happening all over the Loreto area.
Here is the schedule of the activites Eco Alianza will be directly participating in if you are in the Loreto, Baja area:
- Monday, November 22th (9:00 a 12:30 pm): Discussion about the damage caused by plastic bottles and bags with Civilizadores Elementary School.
- Monday, November 22th (4:00 – 7:30 pm): Educational activities and presentation of the movie Oceans Ligüi community (community basketball court Liguil)
- Tuesday, Novemeber 23th (4:00 -7:30 pm): Educational activities and presentation of the movie Oceans / Ligüi community (community basketball court of Ensenada Blanca)
- Friday, November 26th, (6:00 pm): Presentation of the Film “All exclusive Baja, related on protected areas tourism development/ at the Museum of Jesuit Missions.