I finally broke down this weekend and purchased the d5 Stainless Steel All-Clad cookware set I was lusting for the longest time.
I had tried to be practical. I purchased a value-based K— copper core cookware set only to find myself, late at night, sneaking visits to Williams-Sonoma’s website. It was very sad and no way to live my life.
The entire experience was all very serendipitous. Just as my eyes were caressing the glistening pots and pans on the warm maple wood shelves at WS, an “All-Clad specialist” named Jim popped up from behind. He reminded me of the angel character in the augmented reality software featured in the movie “Disclosure” with Demi Moore.
I didn’t totally thwart embarrassment as Clint quickly volunteered the fact that I had indeed strayed by purchasing the K— brand cookware and now was at a “No, All-Clad, it is you I love!” dramatic moment.I almost wanted to say, “Angel, tell me the difference between All-Clad copper core and d5 lines.” I resisted because I was sure he would look at me strangely and I would have a Michael Scott moment.
I did ask Jim several questions and finally decided on the d5 line. He was supremely helpful answering every question originating from my analytical mind. My palpitating heart was already sold.
Yes, after several covert visits to the Williams-Sonoma website to browse the cookware porn photos, having received several email solicitations (which I am sure are specifically targeted at me based on my behavior on their website), this in-store experience sealed the deal.
It also helped that all the pieces I wanted were on sale. The 4 qt saute pan came with a splash guard which I didn’t really need, but it was on sale so how could I protest?

I didn’t get the brushed stainless steel version of the cookware because I liked the shiny classic finish of the standard d5 line. I decided against copper core for now because I think the performance of the d5 line fits my everyday cooking style.
In the future, I plan to augment my set with a couple of choice pieces from the copper core line. I do love the look of the thin line of copper on the pots, but realistically that will tarnish and how often will I be polishing copper?
When I got home, I gently opened the boxes and carefully took out my All-Clad d5 cookware. Yes, I could try to justify my purchase by noting the performance of the d5 and how I will use this cookware for the rest of my life.
Yet in the end, as I trace the All-Clad logo on the top of the lid handle, I know it transcends all reason. All-Clad has produced cookware that I have fallen in love with, delivered in a exceptional retail experience at Williams-Sonoma and online at Amazon. That is priceless.
Even my cooking-illiterate husband Clint seems to notice.
Research Online: Amazon All-Clad kitchenware