If you thought keeping your data in the cloud was sexy cool, wait until try this one. A new start-up called Cloud Girlfriend will create the perfect virtual companion for you. She will write confidence-building notes on your Facebook wall and generally LOL at everything you do 7/24.
“The Social Network Girlfriend” doesn’t come free of course. The company charges an undisclosed fee for the service — anyone out there try it know how much it costs? Lonely hearts must know!
According to the company, the service is provided by real human beings, not bots. In other words, this is another shining example of offshoring.
Co-founder David Fuhriman told ABC News why users might be interested in using the service.
“They can use the site to jumpstart the process of changing social perceptions about themselves,” he said. “This interaction can … provide real training experiences in navigating a friendship and a relationship.”
Kind of like… talking to yourself. Or looking in the mirror for extended hours. Yes, all things that can really put a bounce in your step.
Cloud Girlfriend is still in beta. The web site currently only captures email addresses (and dreams).
Cloud Girlfriend
The Social Network Girlfriend
Why: Because social networking can be lonely. And because “The best way to get a girlfriend is to already have one.”
How Much: Undisclosed – but love is worth it.
Who: A San Diego start-up currently in beta.
Where: Coming soon to Facebook (if the company can navigate FB’s terms of service)