Apple MacBook Air
Apple MacBook Air - soon available in 15-inch flavor?
Apple MacBook Air
Apple MacBook Air - soon available in 15-inch flavor?

As much as I appreciate my 2010 13-inch MacBook Pro, I wouldn’t deny occasionally pining for: (1) a larger display, with better resolution; (2) a thinner profile; (3) a less hefty frame. If the reports I’ve seen this morning are true, a solution could be coming as soon as Q1 2012. According to DigiTimes (Taiwan) Apple will announce a 15-inch MacBook Air, joining its smaller 13- and 11-inch siblings in the emerging so-called “ultrabook” category of laptops.

If it comes to fruition as predicted all I can say is: Sign me up, baby!

Despite my professed obsession for all things Android smartphones, when it comes to laptops (and tablets) I’m a hopeless Apple fan. Maybe it’s the Canadian in me that has one foot firmly planted in both camps. But why not? Though these might be akin to religious wars, the way I see it is the best tool for the job gets my business. As of November 2011, that means: Motorola Droid for smartphone (but soon to be likely upgraded to Samsung Galaxy Nexus… if it ever launches), MacBook Pro for laptop (best in class display, built like a tank), DIY i7 desktop (primarily for running Adobe Premiere Pro to produce Stark Insider tv segments) and an iPad (hands-down, the best tablet for consuming content- though, I also have a Samsung Tab 10.1 which is great for Google apps, browsing). To complete the cycle, for gaming/media hub: Sony PS3 by a long shot (streaming full 1080p Blu-Ray rips via PS3 Media Server is blow away).

I have one request for Apple, and I’ve made this suggestion before: Make it an “iPad Air” por favor.

I doubt that will happen, but one can dream, no?

The dream iPad/Air combo device would be a convertible laptop, with a removable display that turns into an iPad running iOS. Dock it, though, and it becomes a full-fledged OS X laptop (not just iOS with a keyboard). Will it ever get made? I say definitely, but not likely in 2012. Currently, the Asus Tranformer Prime (Dec 8 launch) is turning heads with its slick design. I wouldn’t be surprised though if it’s let down by the software- Android has not yet proven itself ready to take on iOS when it comes to the tablet.

Meanwhile, I’ll happily look forward to a svelte MB Air with larger display.

Clinton Stark
Clinton shoots videos for Stark Insider. San Francisco Bay Area arts, Ingmar Bergman and French New Wave, and chasing the perfect home espresso shot 25 seconds at a time (and failing). Peloton: ClintTheMint. Camera: Video Gear