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Loreto downtown
Misión de Nuestra Señora de Loreto Conchó (1697) — Loreto, Baja California Sur.

Diving nirvana, the Malecon, Mexican hospitality. Loreto can really charm. Here on the 6th day in temperate Baja California Sur we had friends from Silicon Valley fly in to LTO and join us in the little Casa del Lagarto Azul by the sea. As I wrote last week, the first Spanish settlement in Baja has come a long way. In 1697 it served as the capital for the Californias, when Jesuit missionaries discovered an abundance of fresh water–and, no doubt, enjoyed a diverse seafood menu thanks to the Sea of Cortez; Jacques Cousteau once famously referred to it as “the world’s aquarium.”

Desert Dream

In 2006, we bought a plot of dirt in the Loreto Bay resort, located about 15 minutes south of town, just down Highway 1. Five years later, we’ve been through collective hell and back. Bankruptcies, construction faults, and organizational challenges all contributed to a memorable experience for those of us that took a leap and plunked down deposits. You can read more about that experience here, and for the extended director’s cut, you can start the adventure that is Scorpion Bay (just don’t return seeking explanation…).

Downtown Loreto

The Malecon.

Today, we strolled the beautiful Malecon downtown Loreto, then headed to Los Mandiles, a popular Mexican breakfast joint that overlooks the sea. I was reminded once again how friendly the people here are. Attempting to speak Spanish helps oodles. On that front, I have mucho homework ahead of me. We’ve had false starts to learn the language, but now thanks to Loni’s deep dive into Rosettastone, we’re (she’s) making progress.


Diving in Loreto
“We will then attack SPECTRE on his Coronado island hide out.”

Tomorrow we head to the Marina where we’ll depart for a dive off the Coronado Island.

Here are some of the shots from today. For more photos, visit the Stark Insider Facebook page where we will be adding more updates on the adventure.


Loreto is for the dogs.
Sea of Cortez.
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MORE LORETO, BAJA PHOTOS: click here to visit Stark Insider on Facebook. Gracias.

Clinton Stark
Clinton shoots videos for Stark Insider. San Francisco Bay Area arts, Ingmar Bergman and French New Wave, and chasing the perfect home espresso shot 25 seconds at a time (and failing). Peloton: ClintTheMint. Camera: Video Gear