On my way to Las Vegas this past week, I bumped into Santa Claus at the San Jose Airport. It seems that besides his day job supervising elves as they build toys for little boys and girls, he is also available for corporate PR/social gigs. This one entitled, ‘A Picture Perfect Holiday’ was sponsored by Southwest Airlines and Microsoft.
Nothing like Santa Claus to inspire one’s inner child! In a split second I had flung aside my laptop bag, purse and carry-on roller (making sure it was still in plain sight so that TSA didn’t send me back through the security lines) and jumped on Santa’s lap.
What ensued, was well, a lot of fun. At least for me…although Santa looks like he is having fun too even if I was tugging at his beard (which was real of course since he is the real McCoy).
I hope this holiday you bump into your own Santa Claus, and when you do, you unleash your inner child!
See the world through rosy colored glasses, because why should you see it any other way? Fling all reservation, convention and hesitation aside. Seize the moment, pounce on the opportunity with the exuberance of a child…and may the spirit carry into 2012 and be a force of inspiration!
Happy holidays from yours truly,
Loni, who aspires to be naughty and nice