I shot this short video with a Canon EOS 60D here in Loreto Bay, Baja California Sur. These are freshly hatched, amazingly tiny baby hummingbirds resting in a nest. Mom makes a cameo too.
Probably not quite ready for National Geographic or Discovery Channel, but fun to capture these beautiful creatures, establishing themselves comfortably along the pathways in the Agua Viva neighborhood.
This is a rough cut. I hope to get more footage of the little guys moving about. Also, I can’t wait to return to the i7/Adobe Premiere Pro rig back at the office. On the road I use iMovie on a 2010 MBP 13, and it’s extremely painful- slow, kludgy.
Soon I might turn this all into a mini-series. You can also see my other DSLR nature shorts: spider, mantis, eggs.
This year pathways emerged, and even landscaping. Walking the villages here now has a wonderful, even partially European feeling. And birds are enjoying the trees, and protection from the Baja sun. Every morning they are singing their hearts out; come to think of it, so are the local workers. When you’re in Mexico it seems everyone loves to sing.