Every Sunday morning an amazing thing happens to the arroyo in the little town of Loreto, here in Baja California Sur:
Farmers set up tents, vendors descend with all manner of handmade goods, and scores of us — locals and gringos alike — head out first thing with our weekly shopping lists.
The scene is something of a mash-up. Part Tarantino film (those Sierra de la Giganta mountains hugging the market are an astounding visual), part would-be documentary (so many faces, so many stories), and part… well, farm-to-table movement in living/breathing Mexican colors.
I’ve been coming to Loreto for about 6 years, and I’m still overwhelmed with its magic and beauty. While my wife Loni looks forward to loading up on papayas, a few pounds of picante pollo, and squash, I anticipate another great excuse to go DSLR-crazy with the EOS 60D. I must’ve shot 10,000-20,000 shots over the years here, maybe more; likely about 30% of those are from the farmer’s market.
There’s a reason why it’s such a popular ritual. The produce is fresh. The prices are the best in town. And there’s a warming sense of community – you can see it in the faces of the children, or the sleepy dogs that watch in amusement as this gringo tries not to get burned by the Baja sun, in search of that next great yellow tail filet.
For the rest of my photos from the Sunday Loreto Market, visit Discover Loreto where you’ll find the complete set. Saludos!