The moon may be super, but this shot not so much. Still, I attempted to squeeze every ounce of redemption thanks to Lightroom.

And a firedance through the night.

Test subject: Supermoon Silicon Valley.

Firepower: Canon EOS 60D and Canon 18-200mm. Tripod, and 2 second shutter timer to prevent vibration from disturbing the focus.

Secret weapon: Massive post using Adobe Lightroom 4 which involved sliding levers with great zeal until a mediocre source was made somewhat appealing:

I was surprised by the amount of useable detail hidden in the shadows. On the right: Shadows +100, a personal record for over-boosting.

Result: I like the framing; captures last evening nicely. But otherwise far from great. No detail on the sun is my biggest failure on this one. If I could just get that detail, and some softer white on the moon.

The Verdict: When I came in to show my wife, Loni, the result she said “yeah, nice” before returning back to Fun “We Are Young” on YouTube (again, and again… the humanity). I then proceeded to rapidly explain all the weaknesses inherit in Canon’s design of this particular lens.

I hear the moon is sticking around this month. Good thing. Second chances are always welcome.

Clinton Stark
Clinton shoots videos for Stark Insider. San Francisco Bay Area arts, Ingmar Bergman and French New Wave, and chasing the perfect home espresso shot 25 seconds at a time (and failing). Peloton: ClintTheMint. Camera: Video Gear