We’re beyond thrilled at the global reaction to the short film we shot on location last week in Baja, Mexico. “Morado” was an exercise in finding the truth, discovering our inner strength, and, not to mention, running like mad from mosquitoes.

Many have asked what it was like on set, during the filming. So we cut together some exclusive behind-the-scenes clips that hopefully provide a sense of the teamwork involved between cast and crew.

Shooting a video on the historic, haloed ground of the first Mision of the Californias was an unforgettable experience. It was here in 1697 that Jesuits first established the mission. It still stands today, and the structure is in surprisingly good condition.

You can get to Loreto via a two-hour flight via LAX. Locateed on the eastern side of the Baja peninsula it’s often described as the “anti-Cabo”. I don’t know if that’s entirely true (you can find upscale spas, yachts are not entirely uncommon, and Shakira and Carlos Slim have been known to frequent the region), but there is a relaxed authenticity in the region that’s increasingly uncommon across popular travel destinations.

Over the years a local middle-class has begun to emerge in Loreto. While you won’t see throngs of upscale cars, or Starbucks franchises, you will find an increasingly mobile-savvy population with disposable incomes. In 2006 we bought a little plot of land at the Loreto Bay development located twenty minutes south of town. One builder bankruptcy later the community has emerged stronger than ever thanks in part to the galvanizing forces provided by social media. We’ve been shooting video for Stark Insider and Discover Loreto here since those early days. But “Morado” marks the first time we’ve attempted to move beyond the basic “Here’s the best taco…” or “I’m eating Pollo and watching the sunset..!” style video.

During the research phase for the film, we sought some of the most interesting quotes we could find. None belong to us, sadly.

MORADO – Deep Thoughts

1. “If I could say it in words there would be no reason to paint.”

2. “When everything gets answered, it’s fake.”

3. “To be an artist is to believe in life.”

Do you know who said each one?

There’s also a hidden message in the ending. Like everything we do on Stark Insider, a dash of mystery is in order. Thanks again to Jennifer Cockrall-King for the inspired warddrobe, and to the town of Loreto and its people for being so welcoming and wonderful.

WATCH: Outtakes from “Morado” shot at the Mission, Loreto, Baja California Sur, Mexico
