The circus is in town. But not for much longer.
Cirque du Soleil’s 32nd production, Amaluna, only has five remaining performance in San Jose before the tour bids farewell. See below for the final schedule.
Take a peak at this Stark Insider TV episode (video below) as Loni Stark goes behind the scenes at Amaluna and discoverers what the Goddesses do in their spare time (train, train, train).
Theater critic Cy Ashley Webb scored the lavish production a perfect 5 out of 5 stars. She called the performance “breathtaking” and said there was “nary a dull moment.”

Amaluna (mother, in many languages) invites the audience to a mysterious island governed by Goddesses and guided by the cycles of the moon. Their queen, Prospera, directs her daughter’s coming-of-age ceremony in a rite that honors femininity,renewal, rebirth and balance which marks the passing of these insights and values from one generation to the next.

The production has reportedly played to over 260,000 poeple, just in the Bay Area alone. Safe to say Cirque has another hit on their hands. Interestingly the cast is comprised 70% women (Goddess power!).
Transporting the show across the country is like trying to move an entire city. The operation involves 65 trucks and 2,000 tonnes of equipment.