Part of our mission here on Stark Insider is to explore the creative process. How does it work? Is there a common thread that ties together how it unfolds in our minds? Is there a consistent way to define its application?
I find these questions endlessly fascinating. Admittedly revealing the truth, discovering the answers may ultimately be an impossibility. But, try, try, try! So for about the last six years or so I’ve been doing that here on this site. When I sit down to interview the artists, creative and interesting people for video segments on Stark Insider, I try to probe a little – unlock their unique perspectives on that mysterious thing known as the “creative process.”
Interestingly there’s also a strong connection between creative and marketing. Being in Silicon Valley it’s something that’s often overlooked. Because… well, speeds and feeds! Yes, we love specs. Shootouts. Gadgets. Cool stuff. I believe, though, that creative can help companies see through the data and short-term metrics and help create lasting customer connections. It’s as applicable to a company as it is to a person, or even to an entity, such as this web site, for example.
I expand more on these thoughts in an article I just published on LinkedIn, Where’s the Creative? The Missing Link in Customer Experience. I invite you to take a look, and see if you agree, or have other thoughts to add to the conversation.

Many people I know across the Valley tell me that the creative, proper, and the creative process, eclectic, are key reasons why companies such as Apple, Google, and Amazon have pulled away from the competition. That technology alone, for the sake of technology, is not enough to inspire, build lasting relationships, and create true engagement. Ultimately, we are human, and are motivated and respond to all the “soft side” things in life: love, trust, fear, sadness, happiness, excitement.
Anyways, I hope you continue to follow my adventure here. I’m also going to continue to share thoughts on LinkedIn from time to time. And I’ll keep exploring these ideas when I sit down to interview and talk with some of the most interesting creative thinkers and do-ers that we can find for the Stark Insider TV segments.
[Where’s the Creative? The Missing Link in Customer Experience]
Artist Diaries – Monterey Plein Air (Preview) from Stark Insider on Vimeo.