The expedition awaits.
Loni Stark and I shot final scenes for our new (semi) short film through the summer of 2020. Most of the final editing took place from September through October, when we finally launched our baby into the world. What an interesting time to be working on these sorts of projects.
3 Days in Iceland (2020) is now playing Stark Insider and you can watch via the YouTube embed above or below.
Also, for those interested to learn more about the production, you can visit the 3 Days in Iceland web site.
In any case, safe to say we do indeed love Iceland. Having grown up in Canada there are many similarities, including, of course, harsh winters. The constant rain, freezing ice and snow were in notable contrast to our time in Paris — 3 Days in Paris (2019) — just days before our adventure began in the charming seaside capital of Reykjavík.
On the camera front, I was not entirely satisfied with my pick for a travel video camera on this trip. The Sony Alpha a6500 indeed produced nice 4K footage. The problem begins when you begin moving the camera, including panning across landscape. That’s when the footage begins to turn to jello, i.e. rolling shutter. It’s quite bad. If, in January 2017, the Panasonic GH5 had existed that mirrorless workhorse would have been a much better option — at least in hind sight.
For the Blue Lagoon scenes we used a GoPro. Even at only 1080p that tiny action cam worked surprisingly well, and since it’s water proof we could do whatever we wanted while wading around the lagoon (what a neat experience that place is!).

Back in San Jose, California Loni and shot some additional scenes, including a few at the Citadel Art Studios. One of my favorite locations the former canning factory has awesome looking shots in just about any direction you look, inside and out. There we used my favorite camera, a RED Dragon Scarlet-W. Using 5K Redcode we were able to capture absolutely beautiful looking footage (organic grain). And thanks to the expansive resolution and 5K footage I was able to liberally reframe and add effects with no degradation on my 1080p timeline in Premiere Pro.
With that, we’re onto our next film projects. Coming soon. To Stark Insider.
For now please join Team Stark on the Icelandic adventure:
WATCH: 3 Days in Iceland (2020)
A film project by Clinton and Loni Stark
Now Playing Stark Insider
Learn more: Production notes