2021 Apple MacBook Pro launch event specs schedule

UPDATE: Reports now indicating potential parts shortage for the iPhone 13 (Barron’s). Also see: Apple stock slips on report chip shortage may impede iPhone production (MarketWatch). Will be even more interesting to watch for pricing and availability information at next week’s MacBook launch. Will it too be impacted?


It’s Fall. And in the world of Apple (NASDAQ: AAPL) that means: new MacBooks.

Apple CEO Tim Cook and team have sent invites for an October 18 launch event. So mark your calendars if you’re due for a refresh to see what’s new.

Unleashed. New Apple MacBook event from Apple Park.

Some expected to see the new MacBooks last month. However, that event was exclusively for the new Apple iPhone 13, Apple Watch Series 7 along with a few other (relatively minor) updates.

This October event appears to be primarily about the flagship MacBook laptops. Though, The Verge reports we are also likely to see a new Mac Mini and refreshed AirPods.

What to expect?

In terms of the new MacBooks we’ve been hearing for quite some time that there will be new 14- and 16-inch models. Further, they will be redesigned and feature a new flavor of Apple’s M1 silicon — likely called the M1X.

MacRumors has been pretty thorough in its advance 2021 MacBook coverage and prognostications and has these spec predictions:

  • Thinner bezels
  • Mini-LED displays
  • 3024 x 1964 and 3456 x 2234 resolutions — essentially “2x Retina”
  • M1X with support up to 32GB RAM
  • MagSafe connector for charging
  • HDMI port
  • SD card slot
  • Standard function keys (Touch Bar removed)

As is almost always the case Apple will likely reveal when its new macOS Monterey operating system will be available. We expect to see at least a handful of new features available exclusively on these new models — offering buyers yet another compelling reason to possibly upgrade.

One wildcard: pricing.

Given the global chip shortage, inflationary pressure, and supply chain issues, will Apple be able to hold the line on its MacBook prices?

They’re already, by far, premium priced. Topped out models can easily run $3,000 to $4,000 USD. It remains to be seen if consumers will be willing to pay a premium on top of that premium. Then again, Apple may simply not have a choice due to increased costs, much, if not all, of which will need to be passed on to us poor consumers.

Stay tuned. All will be revealed in about a week.

Stark Insider - Arts, Film, Tech & LifestyleStark Insider - Arts, Film, Tech & LifestyleApple Fall 2021 MacBook Launch Event

macOS Monterey Preview


  • Apple “Unleashed” Fall 2021 Launch Event


  • October 18, 2021, 10:00a.m. PDT


  • Apple Park

  • Apple web site

Clinton Stark
Clinton shoots videos for Stark Insider. San Francisco Bay Area arts, Ingmar Bergman and French New Wave, and chasing the perfect home espresso shot 25 seconds at a time (and failing). Peloton: ClintTheMint. Camera: Video Gear