
In keeping with the sustainability initiatives in the Loreto area, it’s great to see official certification announced yesterday by Green Globe for the Inn at Loreto Bay.

From the press release:

During the certification process, the Inn at Loreto Bay earned “best practice” results in the following areas: energy consumption, water saving, waste diverted from landfill, waste recycling, community contributions, paper products, cleaning products and pesticides. These measures will ensure efficient practices and large cost savings, guaranteeing that the Inn at Loreto Bay is on the path to securing a sustainable future for the environment.

Over the past few years Loreto Bay Company has talked a lot about sustainability, and it’s definitely been a draw for many buyers who see Loreto as something different – the antithesis to the crowded, condo-dwarfed, partying beaches of our friends just 250 miles south in Cabo (not that there’s anything wrong with that!).

“Guests of the Inn can learn about all of the resort’s policies and practices on an in-room television channel devoted solely to sustainability and environmental awareness,” said General Manager Alfredo Rosas. “We also educate our visitors through ecology brochures in the hotel lobby; during the trailers of our weekly, complimentary movies; and, of course, first-hand from our friendly staff and concierge.”

Incorporating sustainable standards within the practical limitations of running a profitable business is not easy. There are a lot stakeholders, and often competing interests (e.g. square footage and density vs. green space). So even when baby steps are made, we say bravo! It’s the right direction.

We did notice some changes at the Inn at Loreto Bay earlier this year, and wrote about their green key program (In Loreto Bay: Green Hotel Key is a Little Big Idea).
This award from Green Globe is administered by EC3:

EC3 Global is an internationally recognised environmental advisory group which can provide your organisation with a pathway and comprehensive range of products and services to set, manage and achieve your sustainability targets.

[Discover Loreto Bay – Green Initiatives Including Green Globe Announcement]
Clinton Stark
Clinton shoots videos for Stark Insider. San Francisco Bay Area arts, Ingmar Bergman and French New Wave, and chasing the perfect home espresso shot 25 seconds at a time (and failing). Peloton: ClintTheMint. Camera: Video Gear