
Elephant statue outside in the foyer of the venue where a DC “War on Paper” strategy session was held.

I just came back from a trip to Washington, DC where I met with customers, analysts and partners. A couple of seemingly unrelated things made me think of Loreto Bay. One in particular was the DC strategy session I participated focused on their “War on Paper” initiative.

The DC “War on Paper” session was a collaborative meeting looking at ways technology could help DC reduce paper in its business processes. A subject near and dear to my heart.

For some reason, I was reminded later on of the latest Loreto Bay Property Management newsletter which had the headline story of new home warranty books being distributed to homeowners. The article did not explicitly state that the form factor was going to  be paper, but one could reasonably infer from the statement, “Each home is entitled to one of these books and additional copies may be purchased.”

Loreto Bay being a sustainable community may want to consider, and homeowners may want to request an PDF version instead.

Here are all the benefits I see of going digital and it will cost less:

Less costly for Loreto Bay to produce (a good thing in these economic times) and have it in full color
Easier for Loreto Bay to roll out corrections and new versions of the manual as some number of errors always escape first editions and new learnings will always continue to improve the usefulness of the manual. They would just need to post up a new version on to myloretobay
Faster to do a “text” search in Adobe Reader of the entire manual to find the section that is of interest
– Ability for homeowners to have unlimited number of copies
– Homeowners can give instant access to those that need it (eg. trades people) even if they are remote
– Ability to embed website resource links in the manual to make them even more useful
Less prone to getting lost or damaged (eg. flooding, fire which has been an issue for court records).

… and if you really need a section in paper, you can print out only the pages you need.

It’s scheduled to come out November 1, so maybe too late for my suggestion. However, if you think this is a good idea as well, give Loreto Bay a kind and gentle nudge.

Loni Stark
Loni Stark is an artist at Atelier Stark, self-professed foodie, and adventure travel seeker who has a lifelong passion for technology’s impact on business and creativity. She collaborates with Clinton Stark on video projects for Atelier Stark Films. It’s been said her laugh can be heard from San Jose all the way up to the Golden Gate Bridge. She makes no claims to super powers, although sushi is definitely her Kryptonite.