Well, the goal was to narrow it down to 20 entries. Unfortunately after reading all your comments, and having discussions between Clint and I, we were only able to narrow it down to 24 photos.
At this stage, what we will need is for all photographers of these photos to email to loretocalendar@starkinsider.com. DEADLINE is OCTOBER 9th:
1. A high-resolution photo (3 MB size or higher) so that we can ensure high print quality on the calendars.
2. Include in email how you would like your name shown in the right-hand corner.
3. One short sentence about something interesting about the photo or how the photo makes you feel. Clint and I do reserve the right to make editorial changes to these sentences on the final calendar.
I am hoping by next weekend to send the calendar off to the printers. Thank you to all that have pre-ordered calendars. You can pre-order by clicking here.
So far, 44 calendars have been ordered. Remember, all net proceeds from the sale of these calendars (only cost is printing of calendars and shipping, everything else is done by little elves) go to benefit the children of the Internado School in Loreto, BCS.