Img_3590Since I’ve returned from my business trip to Rome, I have been swamped. However, I did want to share some of the photos from my adventures after business concluded since Clint and I are gearing up for our next trip to Loreto, Mexico. I anticipate there will be a slew of entries coming out from that trip. Hence, before I get completely backlogged, here are some photos from my first days of touring Italy.

I’ll write a bit more about my impressions of Rome in another entry when I have some more time to write with clarity of thought.


The taxi I took with some Adobe colleagues from the airport had to fill up on some gas. I snapped a photo thinking I would work out the equivalent in dollars and gallons later. Makes me feel a little better about how much we are paying, although my understanding is most of it in Italy is going to taxes to fund government services.


First day in Rome, had to taste the pizza. Although it was good, I liked the paninis I had there much better. In fact, I am on the market for a panini press. Appreciate any recommendations!


On the fourth and last day of the EMEA sales meeting, had dinner at a little restaurant to unwind with some friends.


Deciding what’s for dinner.


Mel and I on the other side of the table.


A Ferrari store near the Spanish Steps. I am still wondering if this is an Italian staple or just for the tourists.


Inside the Ferrari store.


Colosseum peeking out in the distance.


I met a group for a tour that I had booked on Viator


Up close and personal.


Inside the Colosseum


Our guide for the tour. Rome tour books were conveniently located at the exist of the Colosseum.


Building where the UN Food Summit was taking place in Rome while I was there. Security was heightened in Rome during this summit, many helicopters were flying overhead.


Visit to Palatine Hill – much more impressive than the Colosseum, but not as photogenic in my opinion.


One of the most impressive buildings on Palatine Hill.


Break between my morning tour and the afternoon tour to the Sistine Chapel. I hung out with some folks from Lincoln Financial who were in Rome on vacation as part of their rewards. It was interesting they knew and use Adobe LiveCycle Forms!


Caught the Green Line Tour Bus to the beginning of my Vatican Museum and Sistine Chapel tour.


Colorful vending shacks at every tourist venue.


Inside the Vatican Museum after one rides the escalators up from the main lobby.


One of the few bronze pieces left from Ancient Rome. Much of the bronze objects and ornaments were pillaged over the centuries.


Our tour guide Julie explaining what we will be seeing in the Sistine Chapel. Photographs are not allowed in the Chapel.


The School of Athens. It was sad to see in some of the rooms, there is graffiti on the lower parts of the walls of people carving their names etc in the wall. I was very disgusted and sadden by this.


The Spanish Steps on a beautiful day.

Loni Stark
Loni Stark is an artist at Atelier Stark, self-professed foodie, and adventure travel seeker who has a lifelong passion for technology’s impact on business and creativity. She collaborates with Clinton Stark on video projects for Atelier Stark Films. It’s been said her laugh can be heard from San Jose all the way up to the Golden Gate Bridge. She makes no claims to super powers, although sushi is definitely her Kryptonite.