Sandy Hackett, the son of late, legendary comedian Buddy Hackett, celebrates a half century since the original Rat Pack’s legendary Las Vegas performances at the Sands Hotel, with his new touring show. Sandy Hackett’s Rat Pack Show takes audiences on a journey back to the days of highballs, hi-jinks and happy hour with Frank Sinatra, Sammy Davis, Jr., Joey Bishop and Dean Martin. The show features the classic songs everyone knows and loves such as “For Once in My Life,” “My Way,” “Mack the Knife,” plus original, never-before-heard songs written by the late Miller.
Directed by Billy Karl, Sandy Hackett’s Rat Pack Show stars Sandy Hackett as Joey Bishop, David DeCosta as Frank Sinatra, Doug Starks as Sammy Davis, Jr., Tony Basile as Dean Martin and Lisa Dawn Miller as Frank’s One Love. Buddy Hackett himself is the voice of God, thanks to a voiceover recorded before his passing in 2003. Music Maestro Christopher Hardin leads the show’s fine tuned orchestra, conducted by Joseph Spraker. Technical Director Mark Matson and Art Director Jeanne Quinn round out the artistic team.
Sandy Hackett’s Rat Pack Show will play San Francisco’s Marines’ Memorial Theatre (609 Sutter St., 2nd floor) Thursday, April 15 through May 23, 2010. Opening night is set for Saturday, April 17th at 8 p.m. Tickets.