SSC - All Things West Coast

SSC - All Things West Coast

If you’ve been following SSC from some kind of reader or RSS feed, you should update it to ensure you get the latest in Bay Area Theater, Arts, Food, Wine and Tech. Or you can take the easy way and just visit SSC daily from your favorite web browser, we’re even iPad and iPhone ready.

We’ve been implementing some updates to our infrastructure, all in the name of growth. Lots more to come, so make sure you stay-up-to-date, and click on the RSS feed below to subscribe.


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Enjoy the week, and thanks for visiting StarkSilverCreek – All Things West Coast.

Top Stories:

Wine meets slow food at The Golden Glass

Prune Hamentashen may blow, but JEWTOPIA rules!

Opera Review: La Fanciulla del West

New Week, New News – Loreto Extra

Calling all filmmakers – 48 Hour Film Project coming to San Jose

SubZERO Festival San Jose: Sights and sounds

Monica Turner
Contributor to Stark Insider for tech, the arts and All Things West Coast for over 10 years.