We can’t help but smile everytime we watch the Loreto Happy Dance video produced by Jane Lurie. How can you not enjoy watching the jubilation of so many across the scenic landscape of Loreto?

As I write this week in review in the LAX Alaska Lounge I still feel the same excitement about Loreto that Loni and I first experienced when we visited the tiny fishing villiage three years (yes, three years already!) ago.

This trip we shot about 16GB of video, and took another 2GB of photos. So expect lots of content over the coming weeks and months. We hope it turns out. We really enjoy and appreciate the support we get from all the local Loreto business owners and fellow home owners; your willingness to share personal stories of adventure, challenge and perseverance are indeed inspiring. Thank you.

In other travel adventures, Loni and I are still reminiscing about our time in Tahoe at the Old Greenwood Resort. Now that we’re almost back from Loreto (and a computer upgrade coming this week, along with Adobe Premiere – of course) we’ll finally get some post-production work done on some of that footage. This Blog definitely keeps our evenings and weekends busy.

If you didn’t get a chance, you may want to read about the screenings we attended at the Cinequest Film Festival in San Jose... Louis Gossett, Jr and Kevin Pollack were two featured actors, both receiving Maverick Spirit Awards. Loni and I are thrilled we could be part of the special evenings (on separate nights) at the California theater in downtown San Jose.

This is tough work here folks… feel free anytime to kick in with your thoughts in the form of a well-crafted (short is fine) blog entry to share here with everyone. Wine. Loreto. West Coast. Film Festivals. Food and recipes… go ahead and share it here for all to enjoy.  Again:

  • Email your guest blog posts to blog@starkinsider.com

And remember, we have a contest going for best Blog entries. Keep them coming!

On a final note, Loni and I always enjoy it when you write in. We like your comments, emails, in-person Hello’s. We never fathomed we’d be reching over 15,000 readers per month, with about 2/3rds of you new to the site each month. Wow. Sometimes though when I just want to sit and “watch the game”, Loni reminds me I need to blog at the same time for SSC… I must admit though it’s a nice creative outlet from our real day jobs.

Loreto Baja
All Things Wine
The Arts
Northstar at Tahoe and Old Greenwood Resort
Clinton Stark
Clinton shoots videos for Stark Insider. San Francisco Bay Area arts, Ingmar Bergman and French New Wave, and chasing the perfect home espresso shot 25 seconds at a time (and failing). Peloton: ClintTheMint. Camera: Video Gear