Clinton Stark
Bill Gates at TED: Fireflies and terrapower
Bill Gates is on a mission. In his continued leadership of all things philanthropy 2.0, he's shifting gears to take on climate change.
On Friday he spoke at TED about "terrapower," something I'd never heard about before. Chances are most people haven't. It's still under development, and could potentially never...
Sunday Espresso: Consume or create? S-t-a-r-k-S-i-l-v-e-r-C-r-e-e-k, Phil Bronstein
If ever a world existed with no espresso bean, it would be no place for me. I don't think even a two-fer of Diet Coke could substitute. A Nespresso machine is on the way. As much as I cherish the labor-of-love that is Pasquini, some mornings I prefer efficiency...
Film Review: ‘Cooking History’ the ultimate Food Network and The History Channel mash-up
Mash-up Food Network with The History Channel and you'd have an intriguing documentary called Cooking History. Chances are, you've never seen anything quite like it. Surprisingly, it works well—although, I could do with one or two fewer animal decapitations. But this is life or death, depending if the bread...
On Location: Hearts After Dark at Union Square
Video of Hearts After Dark fundraiser, plus interview with Pam Baer, board member of San Francisco General Hospital Foundation.
Film Review: ‘Raspberry Magic’
As a guy it pains me sometimes to use adjectives such as cute, charming, delightful. But these are entirely appropriate for the latest Cinequest screener I watched called Raspberry Magic. Of a strong group of films so far, it may be the best yet.
The story is centered around a...
Is Foursquare a next generation travel guide? The New York Times says yes
Well The New York Times didn't exactly say that Foursquare would be a next generation travel guide, but after looking closer at today's deal between the two, you may begin to see something significant happening. Travel guides, watch out—as if Yelp wasn't enough of a pain in your side.
TED winner Jamie Oliver wants to “educate every child about food”
The TED conference this week awarded its top prize of $100,000 to Jamie Oliver who wants to "educate every child about food." Here, here! I think this is a savvy choice.
About 1,500 people watched live in Long Beach California at the progressively influential conference. Past winners of the TED...
Android App of the Day: Seesmic, now best Twitter client for Droid and Android
Seesmic is now the go-to Twitter app for my trusty Droid. The quirky red raccoon icon sits right on my home screen next to Facebook, Gmail, Calendar, Google Voice, and a shortcut to a special contact called Loni Stark.
There are many Twitter apps available free on Android Market, and...
On Location: ‘Oedipus el Rey’ at Magic Theatre, San Francisco
Do you believe in destiny? In Oedipus el Rey, now playing at Magic Theatre, Oedipus tempts the Gods in an effort to alter fate and rule the land. Sophocles’ ancient tale has been re-imaged with grand results (review). The buzz is strong on this one, and every single review...
Google Buzz: Like being in the basement of the computer science department
It's dark and quiet down here. And boring. Hey, have you seen anyone around? Feel free to borrow my HP 12C.
I'd almost be anywhere else than on Google Buzz. Buzz? Buzz?! What Buzz? The action is on Twitter and Facebook, and I fear Google Buzz, terrible name and all,...