Clinton Stark

Clinton Stark
Clinton shoots videos for Stark Insider. San Francisco Bay Area arts, Ingmar Bergman and French New Wave, and chasing the perfect home espresso shot 25 seconds at a time (and failing). Peloton: ClintTheMint. Camera: Video Gear

Verizon announces Motorola Droid smartphone, $199 with 2-year contract

Fans of smartphones, it's time to Geek out! The much hyped, anticipated, talked about and rumored to death Motorola Droid was finally revealed today (Clint, strong contender on your short list for next smartphone!). Running Google's Android mobile operating system it is an uber powerful phone with a long,...

Pieces of Bay Bridge fall: Once again Twitter first on the scene

Check out this dramatic photo posted to Twitter today by a very anxious and concerned bridge crosser. That is a cable and steel fragments, fallen from a cantilever section of the famous Bay Bridge which links San Francisco to Oakland; the bridge that commuters universally loathe. I can only imagine...

Time to upgrade to a smartphone: BlackBerry, iPhone or Android?

Just a few years back, it was so simple. If you wanted to stay in touch with email on the go, you got a BlackBerry. End of story. So I went from model to model, upgrading every few years, happy as a corporate clam. Then, Apple turned the industry—as it...

Disastrous newspaper circulation numbers, San Francisco Chronicle loses 25% of its subscribers

No sense in kicking an industry when it's down, but you may find it hard not to rubber neck a little at the sight that is traditional media, dying roadside. And it's Frankenstein ugly—too bad, it only wanted some readers and love. According to the Audit Bureau of Circulations, all...

Russian River Valley issues state of the vineyards report

This morning I received the RRV state of the vineyards report. Harvest is over, October rain is here—or at least it was a few weeks ago. According to the report, "quality is over the top on everything that is in." It sounds like yields will be small, with quality on...

Finton completes custom home in Loreto Bay

Finton Construction Mexico announced on their blog recently that they've completed a beautiful custom home in Loreto Bay. It is located in the Agua Viva neighborhood (AV90) and features a solar heated hot tub, stunning views, an open courtyard and estuary lot. The proud owners are Bill and Julie Thompson...

Theater review: ‘The Creature’ an unbelievably good story

"I am satisfied!" says The Creature as his journey nears an end in Trevor Allen's adaptation of the famous Mary Shelley novel, Frankenstein. And so was I. Very. This production is a through-and-through masterpiece. If it was a bumper car ride at the fair, I'd circle back into line to...

Sunday espresso: New media, FM3, wine and theater social networking strategy

As much as I enjoy the weekend, after putting away our to-do lists, Sunday mornings are my relaxing time to sit with an espresso and read. I usually catch up with news, some sports (NFL and NHL mostly) and take time to revisit my email inbox to make sure...

Theater review: ‘Tiny Kushner’ a cerebral five course meal served by a master chef

Tony Kushner's mantel is a crowded place—a Pulitzer Prize, two Tony Awards, three Obies, a Golden Globe, an Emmy and the LAMBDA Literary Award for Drama—and he shows why in the Berkeley Repertory Theatre's reunion production of Tiny Kushner. Tony Taccone, a long-time friend and collaborator, and also artistic...