Clinton Stark

Clinton Stark
Clinton shoots videos for Stark Insider. San Francisco Bay Area arts, Ingmar Bergman and French New Wave, and chasing the perfect home espresso shot 25 seconds at a time (and failing). Peloton: ClintTheMint. Camera: Video Gear

Berkeley Rep: Tiny Kushner

Kushner is dialog heavy, intellectual with sharp insight into politics and human psychology.

Fine espresso updates 140 characters at a time: Illy now on Twitter and Facebook

If I guessed right, a lot of readers here like espresso. And wine of course. But that's evening wear mostly. This morning I received an email from Illy, of "all things espresso and red and white." They make some decent grinds. Pricey, but there are some machine package deals...

Celebrating the 2010 Loreto Calendar – off to the printers

Holiday shoppers, get your Calendar orders in, we're already almost out of stock. The 2010 Loreto Calendar captures the magic and beauty of the charming seaside Baja fishing town. Thanks to everyone who sent in photos. Simply fantastic! If you didn't make it in ′10, there is always next year....

Ever wonder how Google collects street photos for Google Maps?

This is not a green ice cream truck. This is a Google employee doing his job for Google Maps. Plus getting a bonus workout. Along with some giggles and lots of pointing and hollering at the slightly dorky looking contraption. But Google, of course, will get the last laugh as...

“Dreams of the Colony” a photo exhibit of South Africa

Loni talks to photographer James Bowyer about Apartheid and his exhibition now showing at the San Jose Rep Theatre. James says, "Growing up in South Africa and Apartheid, I was inspired by the role that photographers and journalists had in bringing ′round change in the country." If you get a chance, definitely...

Apple launches holiday blitz with new products

Today, Apple announced several new products, and some updates to position itself for some merry holiday sales. You may have noticed retailers and manufacturers ramping up their marketing campaigns even earlier than normal this year. Given the abysmal state of the economy the past 18 months, it's no surprise that...

Vineyard Super Machines (Video)

I think this is the first time Loni has driven a giant rig like the tractor seen in this video. She sighs, and says to me, "boys and their toys."

Opening this week: Tiny Kushner at Berkeley Rep and November at ACT in San Francisco

(CORRECTION: I apologize for the error, November actually opens next Wed, 28th. We mixed preview dates with opening night. No worries, though, it won't happen again. I've fired our communications department and replaced it with an iPhone) We're looking forward to another barn burner of a week in Bay Area...

Verizon math: Motorola Droid + Google Android = iPhone killer?

Verizon kicked off its cheeky marketing machine this weekend, trumpeting its new phone, the Motorola Droid. It's expected to give Apple's iPhone a run for the money. Running the Android operating system by Google, the early word (see BoyGeniusReport) is positive. The phone, according to the Verizon iDon't ad, offers several...

Jeffrey Goodman’s indie film ‘The Last Lullaby’ now available on DVD

Just when I think I've had a long day, I recall a meeting and interview with indie film director Jeffrey Goodman. Always ready with a smile, and a story or two, the Shreveport, Louisiana filmmaker is living proof that hard work matters. Here's a guy that has probably now invested more...