Clinton Stark

Clinton Stark
Clinton shoots videos for Stark Insider. San Francisco Bay Area arts, Ingmar Bergman and French New Wave, and chasing the perfect home espresso shot 25 seconds at a time (and failing). Peloton: ClintTheMint. Camera: Video Gear

Gavin Newsom wants your votes: 1 for Governor, 1 for Logo

Our very own social media savvy San Francisco mayor, Gavin Newsom, knows how to build some good old fashioned Twitter and Facebook buzz. This time, it's a vote, not yet for Governor, but for his new campaign logo. Branding and marketing gurus, it's your time to shine and put a...

Fall show preview #3: The Artist Diaries

Have you ever wanted to chase a dream? Maybe it's racing cars. Writing a book. Dancing. Or becoming a Julia Child-like protégé. In Loni's case, it's to be a painter—a master painter no less. In her spare time, that is, when not at Adobe. Well, she can start with...

Fall show preview #2: WineTube TV

Ah, yes, wine country. As host of Stark Insider, Loni, would say, "the people, the places, the vines." I'm not sure what that means exactly, but it sounds like fun. Stark Insider has been covering wine for about two years. We then launched WineTube TV in early 2009. Our goal is...

New media news: Ad revenue down 5.2% 1H’09, FTC sets endorsement rules for Blogs

There's never a dull moment in the new media publishing space. Information travels so fast these days, it's unfathomable. Remember the shampoo commercial where one friend tells another? Or the Brady Bunch opening? Multiply by about a million to get a sense of how fast, and how global this...

Preview: Groundswell looks at post-apartheid society in psychological thriller

Last week we were invited to the San Jose Repertory Theatre to check in on rehearsals and meet the cast and director of their new production and West Coast premiere, Groundswell. It promises to be a politically charged story that explores "greed, desperation and entitlement" in a post-apartheid South...

Fall show preview #1: Stark Insider Presents

Stark Insider produces 4 "shows", or Webisodes, or Internet video productions, or however you prefer to call them—it's hard to keep track these days with all of the changes now taking place with new media and the disruption to traditional publishing models. I thought I'd take a minute each day this...

I’ve got Flash in my pocket

Hey mobile phone, that's not flashiness to see me. And so it went. That's changing. Today, Adobe announced it would ship its ubiquitous technology that transforms standard Web pages into sexy bits of  motion for mobile phones. Currently, users need to rely on separate applications to play flash-based Web sites...

Loreto calendar update #8, almost there

It's getting exciting. Update, on location in San Francisco.

Green screen studio under construction, thoughts on new media

Pioneering days. The SSC Web publication is growing, and we're investing more time, energy and money into the proceedings. Here's a shot of the inside of the new studio, under "construction." Well, there's no drywall to blast out. Or two-by-fours. But, nevertheless, this is the start of something new, and...

Theater review: ‘First Day of School’ brings laughs

"Would you like to have sex with me?" David (Bill English) walks the school grounds asking other parents and watches as they react to his direct approach. Meanwhile his wife Susan (Zehra Berkman) is doing the exact thing across the lot, ending up eventually in a bagel shop, before their...