Clinton Stark

Clinton Stark
Clinton shoots videos for Stark Insider. San Francisco Bay Area arts, Ingmar Bergman and French New Wave, and chasing the perfect home espresso shot 25 seconds at a time (and failing). Peloton: ClintTheMint. Camera: Video Gear

ACT’s Brief Encounter extended… again

American Conservatory Theater in San Francisco has a Brit hit on their hands. Brief Encounter which StarkSilverCreek loved (5 out of 5, review) is pleasing audiences across the Bay Area, and has been extended a second time (to October 17), with the addition of seven performances. And no wonder....

No more 230 MPG, EPA to release new formula for electric cars

It was too good to be true. And too absurd not to evoke chuckles. The claims were intoxicating. 230 MPG for the Chevrolet Volt. 367 MPG for the Nissan Leaf. Step right up, place your order, and wave goodbye to Mid-East oil. But wait, not so fast. Finally the EPA is...

CNN iPhone app hits Apple store today, Wolf Blitzer would approve

The Apple iPhone app store is a mind-boggling success (witness all the copycats, including RIM, Palm and Google). The numbers are staggering: 2 billion downloads and 85,000 applications. Obviously choice is not a worry. Navigating the categories, and finding the best apps to use is a different matter. Part of...
Stark Insider on YouTube

Google leads again as Internet video growth rockets

Two things won't surprise most people out of today's comScore Internet video usage numbers for August. Google again tops the charts with their family of video properties, namely YouTube, with about 40% market share. The next closest competitor? Microsoft, at 2.2%. That's domination. Or is it a monopoly? For those...

Theater review: ‘The Pillowman’ a horrifically good time

Stephen King, your play is ready. Martin McDonagh, winner of an Olivier Award for best new play, brilliantly mixes black comedy, horror and crime drama into an innovative, and often disturbing, script. Throughout the opening night I kept thinking to myself that it would make a good little horror flick...

Inn at Loreto Bay Re-opens

Good news. According to a post by Nellie Hutchinson on her Blog, 'Where In the World is Nellie,' the Inn at Loreto Bay has re-opened. The Inn at Loreto Bay opened in Loreto, Nopolo, yesterday without much fanfare or fuss. I believe only the Snack Shack is open at this...

Renewable Energy in Spain

Motivated by an episode of David Suzuki Diaries, I was determined to see the Abengoa Solar Energy Power Tower in Sanucar la Mayor near Seville Spain. A driving trip was planned starting in Barcelona with our final destination, Tavira Portugal to attend a family celebration. Plans were made and...

It’s official: Twitter is worth about $7M per character

Who knew? Maybe if Twitter had doubled its notorious, infamous, and entertaining 140-character Tweet limit, it would now be worth $2B. Instead, alas, it must settle for a mere $1B valuation. The deal involving another round of funding had been rumored for days now (don't you read TechCrunch?) and it...

Re-discovering Green Day’s ‘American Idiot’, the album

Is it okay, at my age, to admit I still immensely enjoy the punk-pop music of Green Day? I was not the target teen even some 15 years ago when Dookie was our soundtrack of choice on snowy Canadian winters in the Glebe. I remember trudging down 2nd avenue, a brutal...

Theater preview: More opening nights this weekend

The ′09/10 Bay Area theater season is off to a roaring start, kind of like the San Jose Sharks and Ottawa Sens last year—and we know how that turned out. So, will the early success continue? To recap, here's the 2 minute lowdown on what's playing now and coming this...