Clinton Stark

Clinton Stark
Clinton shoots videos for Stark Insider. San Francisco Bay Area arts, Ingmar Bergman and French New Wave, and chasing the perfect home espresso shot 25 seconds at a time (and failing). Peloton: ClintTheMint. Camera: Video Gear

Flashback: Clint, San Jose Shark for a day 2002

What a thrill. What a memory. 2002. I played an alumni game (second time) with former San Jose Sharks players. Yesterday, I happened to be surfing the Internet archive (Wayback Machine) to see what my former life, aka "Clintworld" ( established 1997) looked like, before the (i.e. pre-Loni) days. In...

Radio Paradise and Stark Insider

In addition to our standard HD video rig, we now have a little Flip Mino that also shoots in HD and is incredibly portable. Here's my first video test today, as I decompress from the week out back here in San Jose. I need to train Loni how to video...

Weekend: Lots of driving, The Last Days of Judas Iscariot, crush at Stryker, American Idiot

The weekend is almost here, and that means more wine adventure and more theatrical spectacle. How appropriate. They go so well together. Loni plans to keep the selection process going for the Loreto calendar too, so there should be more exciting news on that. Harvest is here in wine country—despite the impending heat...

Interview with ‘As You Like It’ music composer and sound designer Haddon Givens Kime

Not only does San Jose Repertory Theatre's production of 'As You Like It' feature striking visuals in its re-imaging of the Shakespeare classic, but it also benefits from wonderfully memorable music and sound effects. Haddon Givens Kime, a long-time Rick Lombardo collaborator, talks with StarkSilverCreek about the play, and what...

‘Pushing 30’ producer Scott Held on independent film, turning 30 and film festivals

Every waiter in LA has a screenplay. So how do you differentiate? Make the film! That's exactly what independent film producer Scott Held has done with 'Pushing 30.' The script literally wrote itself thanks to his real life experiences and some ups and downs when he, along with some friends,...

Buying a Netbook? 2 reasons to wait…

You might just want to hold on to that Best Buy gift card a few weeks longer if you're in the market for a netbook (or regular laptop too). Windows 7, which promises to be everything Vista should have been (and the early reports are very positive), launches October 22nd. The...

TechCrunch50 winner RedBeacon: A Google for local services?

The news just came in, via Twitter of course: the TechCrunch50 2009 winner, from a field of 50 start-ups, is RedBeacon. Who? Well, chances are you haven't heard of them, or just about any TechCrunch50 participant for that matter. And that's the whole point. These are potentially the (really...

Theater preview: ‘Brief Encounter’ opens Wed at A.C.T. in San Francisco

The British are coming (again)! This time in Noël Coward's Brief Encounter opening this week at the American Conservatory Theater in San Francisco. The production, a US premiere, is directed and adapted for stage by Emma Rice from Kneehigh Theatre in England. After playing here for about a month,...

Champagne, France begins “promising” harvest

According to the Champagne Bureau (Washington, DC), 2009 should be another "high quality season" for producers of the famous bubbly from Champagne, France. Although the weather was challenging earlier, it has been dry for at least a month which is apparently helping the grapes mature faster than last year. Given...

TechCrunch50: Interesting start-ups at San Francisco conference

TechCrunch has rapidly established itself as the go-to Blog related to technology, start-ups, venture capital and Silicon Valley. Unlike testosterone-fueled sites like Engadget and Gizmodo—entertaining enough in their own right—founder Michael Arrington's TechCrunch is more concerned with the business side of tech. Although not so much that they can't...