Clinton Stark

Clinton Stark
Clinton shoots videos for Stark Insider. San Francisco Bay Area arts, Ingmar Bergman and French New Wave, and chasing the perfect home espresso shot 25 seconds at a time (and failing). Peloton: ClintTheMint. Camera: Video Gear

Bing, now with Bam!

With Bing, Microsoft continues to go all out in a middling and perhaps doomed effort to to slow Google. The latest feature added to the new, heavily hyped (but awfully familiar, ahem...Microsoft Live interface anyone?) search engine is "visual search." Yes, what's old is new again, at least when...

Announcing the Stark Insider Bay Area Theater & Arts Guide

We're very pleased to be working with the theater and arts community here in the San Francisco Bay Area. More than ever the arts are an important source of culture, entertainment and community. And with Web 2.0 we can create an even more vibrant experience, connecting theaters, audiences, actors...

Week in review: “Cool it, cat!”, SF Bay Area arts, newspapers

I must say, I relish the moments when Loni meets her equal. That was the case in our first episode, "The Teacher & The Pear," of the new web show The Artist Diaries. Follow Loni as she pursues her right brain dream of becoming a master painter. Her teacher had to...

San Jose Sharks finally make deal everyone expected

Talk about anti-climatic. Kind of like the Sharks' finish to the '08/09 season, lots of talk and expectations, but ultimately resulting in a rubber chicken of a first round exit. Or something like that. The news: San Jose Sharks get soap opera star Dany Heatley from the Sens in exchange for...

The Artist Diaries: Episode #1 ‘The Teacher and The Pear’

A new show! Loni is pursuing her dream of becoming an artist. An oil painter to the stars. Or at least our powder room walls. Follow along as she learns how to paint at University Art in San Jose. Loni may have met her match in Lee Hartman, teacher. I've already...

Facebook, now more like Twitter with Tagging and Lite interface

Every day it seems Facebook wants to be more like Twitter. But Twitter is content to be just itself... for now. Yesterday, Facebook made two announcements, both strikes across the bow of the 140-character phenom. And both made in the typical Facebook way: laid back, casual, innocent looking blog...

New products today from Apple provoke yawns despite Steve’s return

Call me spoiled, but these days it takes more than a digital camera to get me excited when it comes to the latest in cool gadgets. So, on that score at least, today's product announcements from Apple had me looking elsewhere for thrills...anywhere. Solitaire. Old Kinks records. Staring at...

Theater review recap

There are some good shows now playing in the Bay Area. Loni and I scooted across the peninsula over the weekend, first to Palo Alto, then San Jose and finally up to Berkeley to catch some of the latest productions. Fortunately it was time well spent. All 3 shows are...

Theater review: ‘Awake and Sing!’ pulls no punches

Nothing like a great depression to get you in the mood to deal with love and money. It's like a sucker punch—all while trying to balance the checkbook on $26 a week and keep the family on the rails. 'Awake and Sing!', written in 1935 by Clifford Odets, pulls no...

2010 Loreto Calendar: Video update #4