Loni Stark

Loni Stark
Loni Stark is an artist at Atelier Stark, self-professed foodie, and adventure travel seeker who has a lifelong passion for technology’s impact on business and creativity. She collaborates with Clinton Stark on video projects for Atelier Stark Films. It’s been said her laugh can be heard from San Jose all the way up to the Golden Gate Bridge. She makes no claims to super powers, although sushi is definitely her Kryptonite.
BBQ Tips

Recipes for the ultimate, no sweat BBQ

This day of rest is a tribute to the contributions of workers across this nation. Bearing this is in mind, your Labor Day BBQ should not be a chore.
Naivetea's Passionfruit Oolong Tea. I was surprised by the intensity of the passionfruit scent. The fragrance was bright and lively when I opened the package and sustained through brewing and enjoyment. Although I still prefer the traditional teas offered in this line, for those that like fruit infusion in your teas, this is a must try.

Naivetea: The joy of tea brewed naked

Drinking tea which is not covered up in little squares of fabric satiates our need to seek authenticity, appreciate artistry and connect with the foods we consume.
Having rescued her from a fall, Willoughby (Michael Scott McLean) introduces himself to Marianne (Katie Fabel), as Mrs. Jennings (Stacy Ross) and Elinor (Jennifer Le Blanc) care for her ankle.

Review: American Premiere of ‘Sense and Sensibility’ at TheatreWorks

Director Robert Kelley has crafted a production that embodies Austen.

Organic vegetable gardens: Have your cake and eat it too

Vegetable gardens can be just as beautiful, or even more stunning than purely ornamental gardens.
Real Housewives Loreto

How the Real Housewives of Orange County caught my attention

Gretchen and Slade stayed in the Presidential Suite at the newly-opened Villa del Palmar in Loreto, Baja California Sur.
The views from William Hill Estate.

Musings from Napa: California Chardonnay

If E. & J. Gallo were a wine varietal, perchance it would be a Chardonnay.
Summer BBQ: Appetizer Idea and Recipe

BBQ Party: “Sunshine in a Bite” sundried tomatoes and salami appetizer recipe

My recipe for "Sunshine in a Bite" sundried tomatoes and salami crackers will hold your hamburger and corn-on-the-cob loving guests at bay while you grill up a storm.
Harvested lavender

Spa Retreat: How to make lavender oil (cold pressed method)

The smell of lavender relaxes and makes one conjure up memories of the last luxurious day at the spa.
Cochon Heritage Fire, Napa Valley

Offal: The art of whole animal cooking and eating

I grew up in a family that would joke about who would eat the duck's butt or fight for the duck brains during a multi-course Peking duck feast.

Artist Diaries: Painting is about relationships

When I stand in the middle of the Musée d'Orsay, my heart simultaneously aches and cries out in joy.