Loni Stark
Book Review: ‘Enchantment’ by Guy Kawasaki
His notions of refocusing from a specific point in time to emphasizing that enchantment is a long-term investment and that enchantment builds over time are astute observations.
A Truffle Adventure: In Napa with A&E’s Doug Duda
For digging up truffles, I learned that pigs have been replaced by dogs... at least in the U.S. Here you'll see Bill Collins' adorably cute little dog from Sicily.
Preview: Tony Bourdain’s No Reservations season 7 (premiere)
In this short clip, you might be surprised to hear Bourdain say, "What is this... Beverly Hills?!" ... in reference to a dining district in Port-au-Prince.
The road to our Loreto Bay home
If my life was a novel, perhaps this smooth asphalt road would signify that calmer waters are ahead for the Loreto Bay development. Dare we hope for landscaping?
All-Clad d5: Addiction?
Unbeknown to Clint, last Saturday, I once again dragged him to WS on our weekend errand run and sure enough, there, leaning against one of the warm maple shelves was the All-clad d5 soup pot.
All-Clad d5: Love and Lust (Hands-on/Review)
Yet in the end, as I trace the All-Clad logo on the top of the lid handle, I know it transcends all reason.
Watermelon radish
Although you would think such a stunning beauty would be "designer", it is actually a heirloom variety of daikon radishes originating from China.
Scent of a truffle
It was with much relief and heady excitement when I was able to finally inhale the aromas of a truffle. Thankfully I didn't start squealing.
How to dress up your champagne
Not only does the hibiscus flower infuse a hint of sweetness to the champagne, but it puts on an impressive visual show.
Will you sign my Kindle?
Obtaining a copy which contained a hand-crafted, original signature by the author himself would make it special in a world of the mass-production printing press.