Loni Stark

Loni Stark
Loni Stark is an artist at Atelier Stark, self-professed foodie, and adventure travel seeker who has a lifelong passion for technology’s impact on business and creativity. She collaborates with Clinton Stark on video projects for Atelier Stark Films. It’s been said her laugh can be heard from San Jose all the way up to the Golden Gate Bridge. She makes no claims to super powers, although sushi is definitely her Kryptonite.
Guy Kawasaki - author Enchantment

Book Review: ‘Enchantment’ by Guy Kawasaki

His notions of refocusing from a specific point in time to emphasizing that enchantment is a long-term investment and that enchantment builds over time are astute observations.
Napa Truffle Adventure

A Truffle Adventure: In Napa with A&E’s Doug Duda

For digging up truffles, I learned that pigs have been replaced by dogs... at least in the U.S. Here you'll see Bill Collins' adorably cute little dog from Sicily.
Anthony Bourdain and Sean Penn in Haiti

Preview: Tony Bourdain’s No Reservations season 7 (premiere)

In this short clip, you might be surprised to hear Bourdain say, "What is this... Beverly Hills?!" ... in reference to a dining district in Port-au-Prince.

The road to our Loreto Bay home

If my life was a novel, perhaps this smooth asphalt road would signify that calmer waters are ahead for the Loreto Bay development. Dare we hope for landscaping?
All-Clad d5 soup pot

All-Clad d5: Addiction?

Unbeknown to Clint, last Saturday, I once again dragged him to WS on our weekend errand run and sure enough, there, leaning against one of the warm maple shelves was the All-clad d5 soup pot.

All-Clad d5: Love and Lust (Hands-on/Review)

Yet in the end, as I trace the All-Clad logo on the top of the lid handle, I know it transcends all reason.

Watermelon radish

Although you would think such a stunning beauty would be "designer", it is actually a heirloom variety of daikon radishes originating from China.

Scent of a truffle

It was with much relief and heady excitement when I was able to finally inhale the aromas of a truffle. Thankfully I didn't start squealing.
Hibiscus Champagne

How to dress up your champagne

Not only does the hibiscus flower infuse a hint of sweetness to the champagne, but it puts on an impressive visual show.

Will you sign my Kindle?

Obtaining a copy which contained a hand-crafted, original signature by the author himself would make it special in a world of the mass-production printing press.