Zoology - Mill Valley Film Festival

Filmmakers on the Rise: Here’s an emerging writer-director to keep an eye on

Ivan Tverdovsky. If you're the kind of cinephile who enjoys tracking up-and-coming talent, you may want to Google that name and keep tabs on him. The 27 year-old writer-director has a film in this year's Mill Valley Film Festival (MVFF) and it's a humdinger. Zoology is a "droll fable" about a middle-aged woman...
Jackie starring Natalie Portman to screen at the Mill Valley Film Festival

MVFF: ‘Jackie’ screening added, director Pablo Larraín to attend

More news of interest to indie film lovers in and around the San Francisco Bay Area from the good folks at the Mill Valley Film Festival (#MVFF39). A screening of Jackie has been added and director Pablo Larraín (Neruda, also a selection this year) is scheduled to attend. Jackie is Larraín's...

MVFF First Looks: ‘The Salesman’ leads strong line-up from Iran

Iranian films scheduled for the 39th edition of the Mill Valley Film Festival (#MVFF39).
Parker Posey and Eric McCormack - The Architect

MVFF First Looks: The Architect, Death By Design, My Love Affair with the Brain

We've been working through advance screeners, and have some brief capsules on three films that made it through the rotation here on Stark Insider.

Happy Halloween: Watch John Malkovich re-enact famous David Lynch characters (Video)

I didn't see this one coming. Then again, when you're talking about David Lynch and John Malkovich the word "predictable" doesn't readily come to mind. Instead, we've got an insane, cool, weird project unfolding over the next week in a series of daily vignette. In the web series Playing Lynch...
Loni Stark and Cary Grant in Movie Star - a short film by Clinton Stark

MVFF Countdown: Loni Stark in ‘Movie Star’ (VIDEO)

Stark Insider is a major media sponsor of Mill Valley Film Festival (MVFF) 39. Don't miss a thing. Get your iPad, iPhone, Roku, Apple TV, Chromecast, or plain old web browser ready, and be sure to subscribe to the Stark Insider YouTube Channel for updates, news, and reviews. Plus interviews with...
The Groove is Not Trivial - Mill Valley Film Festival

5 MVFF films with a connection to wine country

Being a fan of wine country, and all the interesting personalities that call the place home (and work), every year I like to skim the catalog and see if any films are about wine itself, are shot on location in the area, or have a filmmaker connection.
MVFF 39 Press Conference - Dolby Labs, San Francisco

Mill Valley Film Festival Line-up Revealed: Neruda, The Salesman, La La Land, Arrival, more

The style might have been more relaxed, but the content was as impressive as ever. Last night, at Dolby Labs in San Francisco, we got a glimpse into the 39th edition of the Mill Valley Film Festival. For the first time (that I can recall) at the annual press briefing there...
Nicole Kidman - MVFF Tribute Award

MVFF 39: Emma Stone, Nicole Kidman, Ewan McGregor, Annette Bening among stars scheduled to appear

Oscar nominee Emma Stone. Nicole Kidman. Ewan McGregor. Annette Bening. Gael Garcia Bernal. Julie Dash. James Franco. Edward James Olmos. If you're keeping score, that's a whole lot of star power. As Paul Liberatore of the Marin Independent Journal writes, "The 39th Mill Valley Film Festival boasts one of the most glamorous...