Indie film ‘Sunflower Hour’ wins award at Karlovy Vary International Film Festival
Aaron has been a guest of Stark Insider and several podcasts ever since his short, Two Theories, One Stone debuted at Cinequest 2010 in San Jose.
Watch ‘When Harry Met Sally’ outdoors at Union Square
Organizers say, "Bring your own best friend/lover/life partner, your appetite for witty banter, and remember to pack a sweater or you’ll catch a chill."
First Look: Trailer for mockumentary ‘Sunflower Hour’
There is a certain amount of American Pie inspired humor here, plus a dash of good old fashioned Canadian quirkiness - all good things in my books.
Sneak Peek: Napa Valley Film Festival
Running eighty seconds long the bit features some very – very – enlightened grape crushing techniques. And you were worried about brett and TCA!
Stark Insider TV passes 250,000 views
To put it in perspective, we're still about 129,000,000 (yes that's millions) views short of the "success" that Rebecca Black has achieved with her Friday video.
Sunflower Hour: Mockumentaries and NHL talk with Vancouver film-maker Aaron Houston
In this special film-making/NHL hockey-talk Stark Insider episode, Aaron calls in from Vancouver where he is finishing post-production on a film that explores the seedy underbelly of children's puppeteering.
I Know a Woman Like That
The film interviews 14 other amazing women from all walks of life who have no intentions of "going quietly into that good night".
Inspiring: Cinequest Film Festival closes with ‘Soul Surfer’
Soul Surfer is the incredible, true story of thirteen year old champion surfer Bethany Hamilton’s (AnnaSophia Robb) inspiring recovery from a terrifying shark attack that took her left arm.
Cinequest Film Festival Guide: Best bets
People are connecting like they never have before. And we are all having a blast together." - Halfdan Hussey, co-founder Cinequest.
What’s Happening: Ehler’s Wine, Berkeley Ruined, Cinequest, CFO Roundtable (Plus: Call for writers)
"A very quiet and tasteful way to be famous is to have a famous relative. Then you can not only be nothing, you can do nothing too."