Film Review: ‘The Ferrari Dino Girl’

In 1968 Russian tanks rolled through the streets of Prague and Jan Nemec was in the streets filming. The Ferrari Dino Girl tells the dramatic story of how those shots were made, and the harrowing trip he and his friends made to get the footage across the border to...

Cinequest Interview: Cullen Hoback, director FrICTION Jessica Rabbit once said, "I'm not bad, I'm just drawn that way." Cullen Hoback adds a new wrinkle with his latest film at Cinequest, FrICTION (review). What if you were scripted to behave badly? In this clever, mind twisting fourthwall film (pseudo documentary?) the line between reality and fiction become...

Film Review: ‘Bank Robbery’ (Pangaroov)

Can a man really change? Or is he destined to be who is he, despite the best of intentions? In Bank Robbery, Madis dreams of his sweetheart, and what a quiet, honest life might be like living on a farm with sheep. His young nephew Hannes decides to join him...

Cinequest On Location: Interviews with The Real Revolutionaries of Silicon Valley (video)

Once there were orchards, now there are silicon chips. Everywhere. In everything. Last night at the California Theatre, The Real Revolutionaries, a new film about the pioneers of Silicon Valley, premiered at the Cinequest Film Festival. Like the early days of the Napa Valley, these are the cowboys who...

Indie film marketing: “Douchebag Blend” wins me over Cinequest style

Low budgets combined with passion always seem to bring out creativity and mucho gusto. Tonight at the exquisite Il Fornaio Cinequest soiree, there was much mingling, merriment and celebration for a festival that is going strong. But what caught my eye on this evening was the distinctive marketing by Aaron Houston,...

Cinequest News: Tech and film meet tonight at The Real Revolutionaries, the story of Silicon Valley

It doesn't get any better than this. What could me a more perfect venue than Cinequest and the California Theatre to host the premiere of the new film The Real Revolutionaries, the story of Silicon Valley? The film documents the compelling story of Robert Noyce, Gordon Moore, and the “Fairchild...

Film Review: ‘The Escape’ (Flugten)

Highly recommended. It's intense, but you may be surprised where this movie goes; it's unexpected, and unique.

On Location: Cinequest opening night, live action, interviews, updates (video)

At Cinequest, you can always expect the unexpected. Clint and Loni of StarkSilverCreek are again on location for an opening night, this time for the Cinequest Film Festival 20. But with CQ there's always something different, and exciting. On this night there were Vivienne Tam models, a giant bird's...

Cinequest opens in San Jose with The Good Heart, frenetic energy

Last night the Cinequest Film Festival 20 opened with wild applause and hollering, dancing, food, and, of course, the premiere of The Good Heart. The rain couldn't dampen the spirits of 1,100 people who enthusiastically arrived at the California Theatre for the entertaining opening night festivities. Later, the party...

Inside Cinequest Film Camp, Adobe Youth Voices – Action! Green screens. Zombies created by pollution. Messages about family and gang violence. These are just a few of the highlights from week 2 of the Adobe Youth Voices and Cinequest Film Camp. If the future of filmmaking is one thing, it's inspiring. These would-be Spielbergs, Tarantinos and Camerons have...