In Review: ‘Groundhog Day’ reveals the meaning of life in a single day
'Groundhog Day' is like a simple magic trick with three parts that will leave you titillated.
The pledge (where the magician shows you something ordinary)
A simple set of characters, a disgruntled weather man (Phil Connors), a pretty news producer (Rita), and a socially-challenged camera man (Larry). A simple premise that...
In Review: ‘Forgetting Sarah Marshall’ provides some unforgettable laughs
This past Friday was movie night again. It was a toss up between 'The Dark Knight' (the latest in the Batman movie series) or 'Forgetting Sarah Marshall'.
In the end, humor won out and we chose the latter, a comedy. Initially, Clint described this movie as a chick flick. However...
Joan Crawford’s All Dressed Up with Ax, Wig and Mascara and People to See in 1964’s ‘Straight-Jacket’
Straight-Jacket (1964) 89 min. / Black & White imdb User Rating: 6.6 StarkSilverCreek Rating: 8 out of 10 "A camp classic" A woman scorned is...
‘Quantum of Solace’ (2008) Review: James Bond’s Return to Form Short-Lived
Quantum of Solace (2008)104 min.StarkSilverCreek Rating:5 out of 10imdb User Rating: 7.2 It seemed doomed from the outset: a big budget and a bad title....
‘A Clockwork Orange’ (Blu-Ray) Review – A Simple Story Told in Outlandish Kubrick Style
A Clockwork Orange (1971)
Blu-Ray / 136 min.
Stark Insider Rating:
8.5 out of 10
imdb User Rating: 8.5
A Clockwork Orange is a challenging movie and not for the squeamish. Not that there is anything particularly graphic or profane by today's standards. But the sometimes casual manner in which violence is portrayed against...
‘Cloverfield’ (Blu-Ray) Review – Blair Witch Meets War Of the Worlds in Successful MTV-Style Thrill Ride
Cloverfield (Blu-Ray) (2008)
"Some Thing Has Found Us"
85 min.
Stark Insider Rating:
7.5 out of 10
imdb User Rating: 7.6
I finally received Cloverfield on Blu-Ray from Netflix after a bit of delay. It was a surprise theatrical hit and now also seems to be doing well on DVD and rental. Based on the...
‘The Art of Travel’ – Review from San Jose Cinequest Film Festival
If you are ever in the San Jose, CA area during the Cinequest Film Festival, be sure to catch at least one movie as it is quite an experience. If you are a resident of the area, you have no excuse.
The Cinequest Film Festival is an annual event...
Movie Night or How I Spent My 4th of July
Having the 4th of July fall right smack in the middle of the week was a challenge. Just as I got into the swing of things at work, the whirl of activity was abruptly halted by a splash of fireworks and an urge to grill something...again. You see, we...
The Top 10 Horror Movies of All Time
Everyone loves a top 10 list. Remember “The Book of Lists”? For better or worse, I’ve decided to roll-out a new series of “Top 10s”...